
格義佛敎에 대한 再考 - 釋道安의 例를 중심으로=A Research of The Gei-Buddhism(格義佛敎) -Focused on example of the Dao-an(道安)-
作者 원필성 =Won, Pil-sung
出處題名 불교학보=佛教學報
卷期v.58 n.0
頁次45 - 75
出版者동국대학교 불교문화연구원=Institute for Buddhist Culture
出版者網址 https://abc.dongguk.edu/kbri/
出版地Korea [韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項저자정보: 위덕대학교 밀교문화연구원 전임연구원
關鍵詞격의불교=格義佛敎=Ge-I-Buddhism; 위진현학=魏晉玄學=Wei-Jin pedantic; 연류=連類=the same category; Doctrine of Prajñā=반야학=般若學; 도안=道安=Tao-an
摘要중국불교의 다양한 특징 중의 하나인 격의불교에 대해 가장 일반적인 정의를 내린다면 아마도 ``외래종교인 불교를 전래자들이 중국고유 사상과의 이질적인 면을 해소 시키는 방법으로써 중국 고유사상 가운데 불교교리와 비슷한 개념을 이용하여 불교를 보다 쉽게 중국인들에게 접근 시키는 방법``이라고 정리할 수 있을 것이다. 그리고 이러한 방법과 필요성은 魏晉南北朝 시기의 혼란기를 맞이하여 당시 玄學의 기풍을 타고 상당한 결과를 보게 되었다. 그러나 어디까지를 격의불교라 할 것이며, 격의불교는 왜곡되고 잘못된 불교인가? 아니면 불교의 전래과정에 있어서 어쩔 수 없는 선택인가? 등의 물음에 대해 지금까지의 방식 혹은 정의로써는 이에 대한 대답이 간단하지 않다는 것이다. 그것은 격의라는 개념을 단순히 고정된 범주로서 취급한다면 이러한 문제제기는 계속해서 이어져 그 순환을 끊을 수가 없기 때문이다. 본 논문에서는 위에서 제기한 격의불교의 문제점을 해결하기 위한 한 방안으로서, ``중국불교는 역사의 진행과 더불어 멈추지 않는다``라는 중국불교의 가장 일반적인 특징에 의거하여 격의라는 개념을 과정과 흐름의 개념으로 해석하고자 한다. 따라서 논문에서는 이러한 해석방향과 논증을 위해 먼저 격의불교와 관련한 일련의 전개과정을 살펴보고, 이와 더불어 동진초기의 육가적 격의가 올바른 반야공사상의 이해로 넘어가는 과정에 있어서 도안이 어떠한 역할을 하였으며, 또 그의 전기 내지 사상에서 보이는 連類라는 개념이 이전의 격의와 어떤 차이점이 있는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 그리고 이를 통하여 격의의 가장 일반적인 정의가 특정 시기 혹은 시대에 국한되는 것이 아니라 중국불교 전면에 걸쳐 전개하였고 또 지금도 진행 중이라는 점을 검증하고자 한다.

According to tradition, Buddhism was first introduced to China in the first year of the Yuan-shou(元壽元年) era (哀帝 B.C.2) under the reign of West Han(西漢). The Buddha(浮屠) was worshiped by Chinese emperors via both religious rules and sacrifice under reign of prince Ying(英) and Emperor Huan-Ti(桓帝) of the Han Dynasty. This rapprochement shows that Buddhism, as a foreign religion, embraced the ideas and practices of Chinese native cults in order to domesticate in China soil. Buddhism counted upon the Chinese thought and embraced the Huang-Lao(黃老) philosophy as a magic method. This refers to Huang-ti, the Yellow Emperor, and Lao-tzu. The followers of Huang-Lao emphasized the suppression of passion because wealth and sensual pleasures were considered to be the roots of passion. They also claimed the removal of unconditioned method and birth-dying of soul. Because these thoughts were considered to be the dominant ideas at that time, people believed Buddhism was an immortal method taught by believer of Huang-Lao, and they thought Buddhist thought was one Taoist magic. Prince Ying mentioned that “I worshiped the valuable teaching of Huang-Lao,” and “I enshrined the Buddha.” Also Emperor Huan set up an altar where he sacrificed to Huang-Lao and the Buddha. This fact suggests that the Buddha was worshiped by them with Lao-tzu together. Speaking generally Buddhism under the Han dynasty was aperiod of Buddhist magic because of these reasons. Buddhism was not considered an independent religion during the Three Kingdoms.
The circumstances of Buddhism under the Han dynasty were changed by pedantic scholarship during the end of Wei(魏) to the beginning of Western Chin (西晉). Because the pedantic scholarship was very much in vogue, Buddhism shifted to mutual induction. That is, since the Buddhists of this period were familiar with the external or Taoist literature, it is not surprising to find them having recourse to Taoist texts for words and phrases to use in their translations. This practice of the Buddhists of searching through Chinese literature, mainly Taoist, for expressions to explain their own ideas is known as Ge-I(格義), or the method of matching the meaning. This method was used especially by the translators of the Prajñā sūtras for the purpose of making Buddhist thought more easily understood by the Chinese. This tendency brings various scholarship such as 六家七宗.
Since the Ge-I was interpreted by 六家 even divergent from the original teaching of Lao-tzu(老子), the existent come into being through nonbeing (無中生 有) which focused on the origin of universe, the Ge-I considered both the emptiness of Prajñā and nonbeing of Taoist as metaphysical being or absolute essence. And, the method of Ge-I distinguished the interpreted system of the relationship between essence and existent(本末關係). That is, the pedantic scholarship suggesting universal ontology or substantialism such as nonbeing was essence and existent was event(本末有無). This tendency was presented by both 何晏 and 王弼. They interpreted the Yi Jing (易經) and the Confucis (論語) and prove ideas or concepts such as 本末ᆞ體用ᆞ一多ᆞ靜動ᆞ常變ᆞ言意 in terms of philosop
目次I. 머리말 47
II. 方述化에서 玄學化의 格義佛敎 50
III. 六家의 格義와 道安의 連類 54
IV. 道安의 本無에 대한 검토 58
V. 맺음말 69

ISSN12261386 (P)

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