This research paper examines Tanaka Chigaku 田中智学 (1861–1939) and how he evaluated Nichiren 日蓮 sect scholars. By this method it is possible to achieve a clearer view of Chigaku Tanaka’s philosophical position and thinking. His fundamental position was critical of the Shōju 摂受 thinking of his time. While he praised the views of Gensei 元政 (1623–1668), Nichido 日導 (1724–1789), and Nichiki 日輝 (1800–1859) and their criticism of Tendai-centric interpretation of the writings of Nichiren by Nichiren scholars of their era, he was critical of their interpretation. He was especially critical of Nichiki.
On the other hand, he praised the Tendai interpretations of Nichiren’s writings by Nichiryu 日隆 (1385–1464), and especially Nichiju 日什 (1314–1392), who he felt relied on direct interpretation. He was extremely critical of the Taisekiji 大石寺 Sect “Nichiren Honbutsu-ron 日蓮本仏論” and their insistence on “Kechimyaku Sōjō 血脈相承”: the Taisekiji lineage interpretation of the purity of Nichiren’s writings that refused all other lineage interpretations.