In this paper I examine the circumstances of sūtra recitation in the Jātaka, focusing on sajjhāya-, āha and saṃ + khubhati. In the Cullakaseṭṭhijātaka (Ja No. 4), sajjhāya- connotes study and practice of religious training. Again, in the Chaddantajātaka (Ja No. 514), sajjhāya- is used to indicate sūtra recitation on the occasion of the funeral. In the Kumbhajātaka (Ja No. 467), āha is used in the scene where the Śākyamuni recites the Dhammapada in order to guide laywomen. In the Cullakaseṭṭhijātaka (Ja No. 4), saṃ + khubhati appears where a Buddhist monk recites the Tipiṭaka in gratitude for the layman’s act.