The study of the relationship between Du Fu and Ch’an Buddhism has been shedding light on the life of Du Fu and the background of his poetry. The perspective of the study is from Du Fu. However, if we ponder on the question from Du Fu. However, if we ponder on the question from another angle, one may discover that some Ch’an Masters made use of Du Fu’s poetry to enlighten their students skillfully in the sayings of Ch’an. Drillilng into the sayings of ch’an in Sung, there are four verses of Du Fu we have to pay attention to. In terms of Buddhist terminology, using verses to enlighten students is called skillful means. In this paper, we are going to explore the underlining meaning of these foru verses in relation to the sayings of Ch’an in a comparative way. Ultimately, every single word, be it poetry or Ch’an, will rest in silence.