In this paper, I will continue to present a diplomatic transcription of the Abhidharmasamuccayavyākhyā. The portion presented here includes the transctiption of fols. 46v5–51r4. This contains the following topics: śaikṣyaṃ, aśaikṣaṃ, naivaśaikṣānāśaikṣaṃ, darśanaprahātavyāni, bhāvanāprahātavyaṃ, aprahātavyaṃ, and pratītyasamutpannaṃ. They are interpreted from the viewpoint of lakṣaṇa, aṅgavibhāga, aṅgasamāsa, and artha. This portion corresponds to about two leaves in the Sanskrit text of the Abhidharmasamuccaya published by Gokhale (i.e., fols. 12 and 13). In my transcription, the passages of the Abhidharmasamuccaya are shown in bold type. In addition, where there are differences between the Abhidharmasamuccaya and the Abhidharmasamuccayabhāṣya compared to the published text, these are annotated whenever possible in footnotes of the transcription.
Conventions in the Diplomatic Transcription Bibliography