This article presents several fundamental perspectives which are derivatively generated from buddhism point of view. The peripheral basis of buddhist teaching, ethics, and spiritual goals have long been acquainted with the practices of modern education worldwide. The absorbances may represented by the accommodation of practical ethics, values and insights for both management, practical, pedagogocal and educational policies. However, there are many misundersanding and misconception toward the application of buddhist pedagogy in school-system environment, educators‟ behaviors as well as the outcomes in the curriculum. Therefore, revitalization and re-orientation should be made towards the on-going practices of today‟s buddhist education and whole stakeholders within. As a framework, buddhist fundamental pedagogy must be able to transform human being and helping them to develop potentials. For long term purpose, buddhist education must also educate spiritual engagement with life, contextual surrounding and social phenomenon for better humanity and spirituality. Finally, as a result, buddhist education should have assigned its goal for positive outcomes and regards to the current situation of today‟s livelihood.
Abstract 29 Pendahuluan 29 Fundamental Pedagogi, Tujuan Pendidikan dalam Buddhisme 40 Diseminasi Doktrin Buddha dan Teori Belajar Modern 41 Behaviorism dan Pedagogi dalam Agama Buddha 41 Penutup 42 Daftar Referensi 43