In the past, concerning the text, based on the differences in some characters between the text found in the Siming zunzhe jiao xing lu 四明尊者教行録 and those found in the Tōketsushū 唐決集 of the Tōnihonkokushi nijūshichimon 答日本国師二十七問, it was widely accepted that the different characters were misprints. However, it has been clarified that the text of the Tōnihonkokushi nijūshichimon seen in China by Ruji 如吉 and Fazhao 法照 is close that of the Siming zunzhe jiao xing lu, while in Japan the text of the Tōnihonkokushi nijūshichimon seen by Shōshin 証真 is close to that of the Tōketsushū. Therefore, it is acceptable to view the Tōnihonkokushi nijūshichimon found in the Siming zunzhe jiao xing lu as the text that circulated in China, while that of the Tōketsushū was the text that circulated in Japan. From this we can conclude that the view that the character differences in the respective texts are simply misprints is probably not correct.