修習; 證知; 諸法無我; 加行; 邊際; 現量; 까말라쉴라; Yogipratyaka in the Tattvasagrahapajik
Kamalaśīla was a well-known 8th century Buddhist logician. He had a detailed knowledge of the teachings of both Buddhist and Hindu philosophers. His work, Tattvasangrahapañjikā is an intellectual masterpiece expounding the Buddhist view on many issues in Indian religious traditions. As a commentary on the Tattvasañgraha of his teacher, Śāntaraksita, it reflects extensive discussions that took place within the Buddhist schools as well as the controversies they had with their Hindu counterparts, especially the Mīmāmsā system. In the Tattvasangrahapañjikā, one of the crucial subjects that Kamalaśīla argues with Hindus about is the concept of yogipratyaksa. This concept has occupied a special position in Indian philosophy as the link between theory and practice since Dignāga (ca. 480-540), the founder of the Buddhist Pramāna school. accepted it as a sort of perception, The purpose of this paper is to investigate yogipratyaksa in Kamalaśīla's Pañjikā. It focuses on examining which issues have been debated with regard to this concept before and around the time of Kamalaśīla and how he has dealt with it from his own perspective. This paper shows that while his contemporary Buddhists, such as Dharmottara and Prajñākaragupta, made an attempt to establish the epistemological structure of yogipratyaksa, Kamalaśīla tried to prove the possibility of gaining it through the practice.
I. 서언 3 II. 까말라쉘라 이전의 證知 4 III. 修習과 證知 6 IV. 결언 10