和辻哲郎における「空」と「他者」 ―その倫理学の形成初期におけるノート.論文を 手がかりにして=論和辻哲郎的「空」與「他者」 - 以其倫理學形成初期的筆記、論文為線索=On Tetsuro Watsuji's "Emptiness" and "Others": Based on His Early Ethical Writings
A conventional view in Tetsuro Watsuji studies is that “ emptiness,” the supreme principle of Watsuji’ s ethics, was mainly influenced by Madhyamaka Buddhist thought. As a consequence, Watsuji’ s ethics are often considered as a form of communist due to his emptiness referring to negation of our individuality by merging with social groups. To dispel the confusions, it is best to clarify Watsuji’ s so-called emptiness. This paper will demonstrate that the two main meanings of Watsuji’ s emptiness came from the concepts of Madhyamaka and Yogācāra Buddhist thought based on his early ethical writings, and analyze the relation between Watsuji’ s “ others” and emptiness in the sense of Yogācāra philosophy.