Master Yinshun is a well-known Buddhist monk and scholar, a benchmark in the tradition of Chinese Buddhism in modern time. To explore his discourses on the Chinese term „Zheng Nian‟, might be worthy endeavor and be of academic and practical values. Based on the materials located by searching keywords in a Master Yinshun publication database, this article attempts to discuss the following issues: (1) the meanings of „Nian‟/ „Zheng Nian‟; (2) the role of „Nian‟/ „Zheng Nian‟ on the gradual path of Buddhist liberation; (3) application of „sati-sampajañña‟ in daily life and meditation? (4) „Zheng Nian‟ specific to Mahāyāna Buddhist thoughts. In the conclusion, I summarize Master Yinshun‟s discourses on „Zheng Nian‟ and thereby point out the multiple connotations of „Zheng Nian‟ adopted in Chinese Buddhist circle.