數位人文分析的探索性遠眺:以宋、元、明《楞嚴經》的註釋傳統為例=The Exploratory Overlook from the Perspective of Digital Humanities: Case Study in the Commentarial Tradition of Lengyan Jing in Song, Yuan, Ming Dynasty
本研究計劃選擇了漢文佛教傳統中,深具影響力的本土經典《楞嚴經》,擬考察巨觀的《楞嚴經》註釋傳統的格局面貌。研究範疇主要分成兩個部份:一、《楞嚴經》註釋傳統組,涵蓋了宋、元、明三代,三十九部、三百一十二卷的《楞嚴經》註釋書;二、《楞嚴經》註釋傳統組可能引用的「組外引用來源」, 總共六百七十部、五千二百七十七卷。 面對如此大量的《楞嚴經》註釋書與相關典藏,以往的研究者通常只能選擇性地聚焦於少數幾部註釋書作研究。如此研究方法的可能缺憾是「不識廬山真面目」,不得見一個比較巨觀的《楞嚴經》註釋傳統全貌格局。為了彌補這個「見樹不見林」的可能缺憾,本研究企圖利用數位人文的量化分析方法—大量文本間的「文本重用」分析,對於這個以往難得一見的巨觀格局,作一個探索性的遠眺。 This article attempts to investigate the macro overlook of the commentarial tradition of Lengyan jing which has been recognized as one of most infl uential indigenous scriptures in Chinese Buddhist tradition. The research scope is comprised mainly of two parts: 1) The group of the commentarial tradition of Lengyan jing in Song, Yuan, Ming Dynasty, which includes 39-volume/312-fascicle Lengyan Jing commentaries; 2) The possible quotation sources of the group, which includes 670-volume/5,277-fascicle scriptures in the Buddhist Canon. Facing massive quantities of Lengyan jing commentaries and their related reference sources, in the past the researchers had to selectively focus their studies in limited quantities of Lengyan jing commentaries and their possible related reference sources. The limitation of such research methodology failed to capture the macro overlook of the commentarial tradition of Lengyan jing. Using the quantitative methodology of Digital Humanities‒the quantitative analysis of textual reuse, this article aims for an exploratory overlook of the Commentarial Tradition of Lengyan jing which used to be very diffi cult to come by if not impossible.