以自我曼陀羅模型分析儒佛文化:建構三層自我曼陀羅模型=Drawing on the Mandala Model of Self to analyze Confucianism and Buddhism: A development of the three-level Mandala Model of Self
儒家文化=Confucian Culture; 佛家文化=Buddhist Culture; 自我曼陀羅模型=Self-mandala Model
牟宗三先生提出:中國哲學為中國文化之核心,儒釋道三教為中國哲學之核心,而其核心觀念即是主體與道德性。並提出含攝中國文化之縱貫系統圓熟理論。牟氏雖提出縱貫橫講系統之圓熟理論,然未明確標列其主體與修養歷程。黃光國依據榮格晚年發展之「未被發現的自我」(Undiscovered Self)理論。結合人類學家漢瑞斯 (Harris)據西方學術傳統中,將人之存在,以生物學(biologistic)層次之個體(individual)、 心理學(psychologistic)層次之自我(self)、社會學層次之(sociologist)人(person)等三種層次解析施為者之方式,建構「自我的曼陀羅模型」(mandala model of Self)」,以說明個人與文化傳統之關聯。然黃氏所遇困境,在於未能依據三家文化,明確定義其主體與道德性,進而建構其修養歷程。陳復在《黃光國難題》一文中亦提出此質疑,並試圖建構含攝儒家文化理論之「朝向自性的自我輪轉模型」為解答,夏允中則提出含攝佛教文化理論之「無我的曼陀羅模型」為解答。然陳、夏二氏之困境,則在於仍未明確定義儒、佛文化之主體與道德性。故筆者據印順採「道次第學說」建構「成佛之道」的方式,據阿底峽、宗喀巴之三士道學說,建構含攝佛教文化之三層模型及其修養歷程模型。據《中庸》提出「天命謂性」之觀念;《大學》「格物」以至「天下平」之修養歷程。建構含攝儒家文化之三層模型及修養歷程,據兩種模型,以期解答黃氏含攝文化所遇之困境;並以社會科學理論途徑,含攝儒佛文化之主體與修養。
Professor Tsung-San Mou proposed that Chinese philosophy is the core of Chinese culture and that three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism are the core of Chinese philosophy. The two core concepts of the three religions the subject and morality. Based on these two core concepts, he proposed the Perfect-Mature Theory (PMT). But the PMT lacks to list and explain the practice of self-cultivation. Professor Kwang-Kuo Hwang constructed the “Mandala Model of Self (MMS)”, which was based on the "Undiscovered Self" theory developed by Jung in his later years. In addition, the MMS also drew on the anthropologist Harris’s theory, which was based on the Western academic traditions, to analyze the way people behave via three levels: biologist individual, psychologist self, and sociological person. However, the MMS did not include the three religions leading to not precisely define subjects and morality, as well as their self-cultivation processes. Therefore, according to the “The path to enlightenment” written by Master Yin Shun based on the “Theory of practicing ways to Buddha”, Atisha and Tsongkhapa’s “the Theory of the Three-Type Graded Path for Practicing Attaining Buddha”, a three-layered MMS of the self-cultivation process based on Buddhism was constructed by the author. Based on the doctrines of the Mean with its concept of “what heaven confers is called nature” and Great Learning with its self-cultivation process from studying the phenomenon of the objects to the peaceful and prospering world, a three-layered MMS of the self-cultivation process based on Buddhism was constructed by the author. It is hoped that these two models could solve Professor Hwang’s problem and lead to later social science research inclusive of Confucianism and Buddhism.