
毘婆沙師對法救思想的融攝與拒斥=Vaibhasika’s Acceptance and Rejection of Dharmatrāta’s Ideology
作者 葉菊梅 (著)=Yeh, Chu-mei (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.hcu.edu.tw/hcu/zh-tw
出版地新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授釋昭慧=Shih, Chao-hwei
關鍵詞法救=Dharmatrāta; 大德=Bhadanta; 譬喻師=Dārṣṭāntika; 毘婆沙師=Vaibhāṣika; 法處所攝色=dharmâyatana-paryāpannam-rūpam

Dharmatrāta was a highly regarded master of the Sarvastivadah Sect. He was known as a master of analogy (Dārṣṭāntika). How did Vaibhāṣika deal with views and arguments of Dharmatrāta, a senior master of his own Sect? This thesis explores Dharmatrāta’s views and that of Vaibhāṣika, the writer of Abhidharma-vibhasa-sastra, on the four areas of: Dharma; afflictions, karma and retribution; theories of practice; and other. The author analysed Vaibhāṣika’s comments on Dharmatrāta, and compared and analysed both the similarities and differences in the two masters’ views on these four aspects, so as to deduce Dharmatrāta’s views and ideologies that Vaibhāṣika accept or reject.
The ideology development of various sects was complex. It was not a straight forward development. Amidst these complicated sectarian ideologies, this thesis tried to examine the textual information and related hypotheses. The author discovered Vaibhāṣika’s main doubt on Dharmatrāta’s ideology was: “if there is no form in the mental object, there should be no non-expressed form”. This is because this difference would lead to different explanations on continuity of sentient beings’ karma and retribution, and cycle of life. This is also the main reason that led to the parting of Dārṣṭāntika and Vaibhāṣika.
Vaibhāṣika believed that karma was the non-expressed form of mental objects. However, Dharmatrata did not mentioned form in mental object. This showed that he has alternative explanation for the continuation of karma and retribution. This led to differences in their interpretations on many aspects, including forms, viprayukta-saṃskāra, asamskrta dharma, theory of mind consciousness, theory of recognition, or views on afflictions, karma and retribution, and practice.
While dealing with Dharmatrāta’s views, the Vaibhāṣika skillfully referenced various masters; he questioned Dharmatrāta’s views for being different to the teaching in the Tripitaka; he used argument from his own school to explain and compromise; he gave comments and criticisms. All these showed Vaibhāṣika’s carefulness in responding to Dharmatrāta’s ideology.
While writing this thesis, the author benefited greatly from Venerable Yin Shun’s studies and research on Sectarian Buddhism. Venerable Yin Shun pointed out that there were two main streams of ideology in Sectarian Buddhism, they were: establishing self based on aggregates, and establishing self based on mind.
It was by analysing the similarities and differences of Dharmatrāta and Vaibhāṣika’s ideologies according to the natural development of these two main streams of thoughts, that allowed the author to identify clearly and master the fundamental problem amidst the many arguments and sayings.
目次目 次
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與研究動機 1
一、研究背景 1
二、研究動機 5
第二節 文獻回顧 7
第三節 研究方法與架構 17
一、研究方法 17
二、研究架構 18
第二章 法救釋「有為與無為法」及婆沙師之回應 21
第一節 論師時間觀之關鍵差異及法的分類 21
一、類異與位異 21
二、法的分類 23
第二節 色法 26
一、極微互不相觸 27
二、色法無等無間緣 31
三、無法處所攝色 34
四、色法的類別 36
五、四大種 41
第三節 不相應行法 45
一、三有為相非一剎那 45
二、異生性 47
三、成就不成就非實有 49
第四節 無為法 50
一、擇滅與非擇滅無實體 50
二、假立虛空 51
第五節 小結 52
第三章 法救釋「心識與認識論」及婆沙師之評述 55
第一節 心識論 55
一、自性不知自性 56
二、無二心俱生 57
三、三界皆有尋伺 64
四、世第一法以思為自性 68
五、等無間緣相 71
六、前後相伴是相應 72
七、有心受非身受 74
第二節 認識論 77
一、見色聞聲 77
二、見聞覺知 80
三、眼識不名色識 81
四、無漏意識非自體分 83
五、意地見色 83
六、見事究竟名「見」 86
第三節 小結 90
第四章 法救論「煩惱與業果」及婆沙師的回應 93
第一節 煩惱 93
一、有漏與無漏 93
二、如理作意對治煩惱 95
三、有身見(我見)是不善性 96
四、薩迦耶見無實所緣 99
五、攝益不善名不善根 101
六、隨眠心 103
七、掉舉與心亂 106
第二節 業果 108
一、思是業性 108
二、增長名業 110
三、五無間罪 111
四、類智品道有隨轉戒 115
五、得別解脫律儀 117
六、自造業自受果 119
七、中有 120
第三節 小結 121
第五章 法救的「修道論」及婆沙師之評述 123
第一節 定學 123
一、慈等四無量定 123
二、三摩地 127
三、九次第定 130
四、八解脫、勝處及十遍處 135
五、四種天道 137
第二節 道次第 139
一、四聖種 139
二、五妙欲 141
三、四證淨 141
四、四種通行 143
五、齊識心便轉還 144
六、頓思惟三界行 145
第三節 菩薩觀 146
一、菩薩身力 147
二、無漏慧覺知緣起 148
三、菩薩猶起三惡尋 149
四、菩薩不樂入滅盡定 150
第四節 小結 152
第六章 法救的其他特見 155
第一節 經義闡釋 155
一、不與世間諍 156
二、世尊宴坐 157
三、觀五取蘊無常 157
四、苦行無義俱 158
五、加趺坐義 159
六、厭怖之差異 159
七、四諦之自性 161
八、迴改經文 163
九、四預流支 165
十、舍利弗隨觀緣起證果 166
十一、「我生已盡」是盡未來生 167
十二、二十二根實體十四 168
十三、世尊授記之因緣 170
十四、阿羅漢最後心之所緣境 171
十五、願智 172
第二節 異論評議 173
一、九慢 174
二、邊執見 175
三、命即身、異身等諸見 175
四、斷見常見 177
第七章 結論 179
參考書目 187

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