
大華嚴寺竹南分院在家信徒皈信歷程之研究=The Conversion Process of Buddhist Householders - A Case Study at Huayen-World Zhunan Branch
作者 徐瓊梅 (著)=Hsu, Chiung-mei (au.)
出版者網址 https://www.hcu.edu.tw/hcu/zh-tw
出版地新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授鄭弘岳=Cheng, Hung-yueh
關鍵詞皈信=religious conversion; 佛教=Buddhism; 半結構式訪談法=semi-structured interviews

This paper uses the qualitative research method and studies the cases of the Huayen-World Zhunan Branch believers. It collects the information about the religion conversion process of the objects of research by semi-structured interviews and then further analyzes it with the grounded theory supported with seven conversion stages from The Lofland-Stark Conversion Model. It also makes comparison with relevant references and attempts to analyze what objects’ initial contact with Buddhism and the factors of conversion are, how their conversion processes were influenced by personal subjectivity or objective environmental factors, how the obstacles were resolved, what changes have happened to the individuals after the conversion, and how the objects think of the process. At the same time, it explores the importance of the religious (Buddhist) leader – “master” in the conversion process. It is hoped that through this research, we can gain a more elaborate understanding of the Taiwanese Buddhist believers’ conversion process.
According to the research, most of the studied individuals have first accessed Buddhism because of unfortunate events in life such as suffering of illness, interpersonal pressure or grief over loss of family member. The major avenues are often interpersonal social networks, and secondly through media, magazines and books. Most of the individuals had been in touch with other religious groups before Huayen-World, but it appears to be that they were unable to find the worldview that they believed in within those groups. After they converted to Huayen and received Master Hai Yun’s teachings, their inner cognitions were reconstructed and a new set of life values was generated. They found that their language and behavior became softer and gentler and they viewed the world with a more positive attitude, followed by becoming physically healthier. The studied individuals have all more or less experienced obstructions during the conversion process. The most common obstructions were “conflicts with family relations” and personal subjectivity factors. However, there were also benefits such as relations with family members inspired by their relationship with Master and long-term stress or depression resolved during the process. Furthermore, there are cases where the believers felt miraculous forces and influences of Buddhism during the experience.
These beneficial factors gave the believers the strength to continue the conversion and further the development of connection to the community. Therefore, there were a few phased, progressive transformation processes in the conversion journey of each studied individual, and these processes all had unique experiences, thereby rendering the diversity and richness in the conversion process of religion.
目次第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 文獻探討 3
一、 皈信的理論 4
二、 Lofland & Stark 皈信模式 23
第三節 大華嚴寺簡介 31
第四節 研究方法 33
一、 質性研究 34
二、 研究樣本 40
三、 研究流程與架構 43
第二章 接觸佛教的因緣 47
第一節 接觸佛教的原因 47
一、 疾病的煩惱 47
二、 對親人死亡的愍念與移情 49
三、 親人的影響 51
四、 人情壓力 52
五、 尋求生命的意義與依託 53
第二節 接觸佛教的管道 55
一、 人際網絡 55
二、 視聽媒體 60
三、 書籍雜誌 64
第三章 皈信歷程中的發展 71
第一節 皈信歷程的階段性轉變 71
第二節 皈信歷程中的助力 81
一、 宗教團體領導者的行誼風範 81
二、 師兄姐之間的情誼 87
三、 長期的緊張、苦惱得以舒緩解除 92
四、 從宗教經驗中感受到不可思議的力量 96
五、 與佛法教義有關 98
六、 家人的鼓勵與支持 99
第三節 皈信歷程中的阻力與克服 100
一、 與家人關係上的問題 100
二、 自身問題 103
第四章 對皈信歷程的整體看法 111
第一節 對「皈依」的認知 111
一、 皈依佛、皈依法、皈依僧 111
二、 依止善知識 113
三、 認同 114
四、 皈依自性 115
五、 處事的準則 115
六、「身、語、意」完全的投入 115
七、 歸屬於某個宗教團體 116
第二節 皈信歷程中「師父」的角色功能 116
第三節 皈信前後的轉變 120
第五章 結論 135
第一節 研究結果與發現 135
第二節 研究省思 136
參考文獻 139
一、中文文獻 139
二、外文文獻 141
三、網站資料 142
附件一 訪談提綱 143
附件二 生命花園裡的園丁—海雲法師 144
附件三 大華嚴寺相關相片 146
附件四 訪談稿 148
圖 表 目 錄
表一:受訪者基本資料 41
圖一:年齡分配圖 42
圖二:教育程度圖 42
圖三:皈信年數圖 43
圖四:研究流程與架構圖 45

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