敦煌莫高窟第465窟大成就者黑行師考 - 兼論藏傳佛教藝術中的黑行師圖像=Research on Krsnācārya, a Great Mahāsiddha Depicted in Dunhuang Mogao Cave 465 - A Study on the Images of Krsnācārya in Tibetan Buddhist Art
Both historical documents and archaeological remains show that the image of Krsnācārya depicted in a group of Mahāsiddha(accomplished adepts) depicted in Mogao Cave 465 can be traced back to the Tibetan Buddhist texts and traditions of the Western Xia dynasty. By comparing this image with mural paintings of Krsnācārya, and with thangkas and statues from Xinjiang, Tibet, and other regions influenced by Tibetan Buddhism, it can be determined that the Krsnācārya in Mogao Cave 465 and the iconographical features it exhibits is not an isolated phenomenon but an important part of the whole of Tibetan Buddhist art.