
Buddhist Influence on End-of-Life Care in Modern Taiwan
作者 Craigie, Helen (著)
出版者網址 https://website.fgu.edu.tw/?locale=zh_tw
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
關鍵詞Buddhism; Hospice; Palliative; Taiwan Reform; Taiwan Healthcare; Buddhist Reform
摘要In recent history, Taiwan has exhibited some fascinating social trends in the development of both Buddhist outreach programs and socially funded medical care. Specifically, modern Taiwan presents an interesting case study for the interaction between religious practice and modern medicine in that newly socialized government health programs must meet the needs Taiwan’s population which has a basic Chinese culture combined with a strong modern, secular culture influenced by both the west and Japan. Remarkably, government health agencies are given immense support in their mission to provide appropriate healthcare through the numerous health related service projects organized and developed by Buddhist organizations.
For instance, outreach volunteer services provide health services for individuals through free medical
care from doctors and educational seminars lecturing on how to cope psychologically with life and death issues. Massive projects have been enacted such as the construction and staffing of large-scale hospitals in areas without
convenient access to health services, the funding of biomedical research studies and the creation of medical universities to train future healthcare providers.
End-of-life care for the elderly and terminally ill is provided through volunteer outreach home care for elderly and sick individuals, and Buddhist chaplaincy
programs train monastics to provide spiritual care in religious and secularhospitals. Outreach services also provide end-of-life ritual chanting and funeral
arrangement as well as grievance counseling for the remaining family members.
As Taiwanese government health agencies and Buddhist outreach programs become increasingly intertwined in providing care services for the sick and dying, it is important to consider how the two groups influence one another and the effects of their close relationship on the types of care that are provided.
On one hand, the religious body has great potential for influence over public health policy and program decisions as they build large-scale medical hospitals, train medical staff and fund medical research. On the other hand, the field of modern medicine could affect the development of modern Buddhism as traditional practices and beliefs are incorporated into the clinical setting.
Understanding how these two entities interact with one another to provide care for the modern Taiwanese patient will reveal compelling information on how modern liberal-minded social health programs interact with the thriving
religious beliefs associated with Taiwanese Buddhism.
目次Abstract i
Acknowledgements iii
Contents iv
Introduction 1
Methodology 6
Chapter 1: Spirituality and Death Culture Throughout Chinese History 9
Section 1: Defining Spirituality 9
Section 2: Death and Funeral Culture Throughout Chinese History 11
Chapter 2: Taiwanese Reformist Buddhist Movement 23
Section 1: Chinese History of Taiwanese Buddhist Reform 23
Section 2: Modern Taiwanese Buddhist Groups 37
Chapter 3: Social Changes and Healthcare in Modern Taiwan 48
Section 1: Prosperity and a Changing Social Demographic 48
Section 2: Taiwan Healthcare Reform For The Aging 52
Section 3: Biomedical Research On EndOfLife
Needs Of Taiwanese Patients 54
Chapter 4: The Hospice Movement In Taiwan And Buddhist Chaplaincy 60
Section 1: Hospice and Palliative Care in Taiwan 60
Section 2: The Taiwan Association of Clinical Buddhist Studies 65
Chapter 5: Articles From The Taiwan Association For Buddhist Studies 70
Section 1: The Role of the Buddhist Chaplain 71
Section 2: Buddhist Life and Death Education in the Clinical Setting 78
Section 3: The Use of Buddhist Doctrine in EndofLife Care 80
Section 4: The Role of the Chaplain in Rituals at Death 91
Conclusion 95
Bibliography 100
Primary Sources 100
Secondary Sources 100

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