
Shifting Grounds: A Comparison of the Notion of the Ground (gzhi) in the Tibetan Great Perfection Tradition with the Idea of the Unconscious in the Analytical Psychology of Carl Gustav Jung
作者 Lopez, Manuel (著)
出處題名 International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture=국제불교문화사상사학회
卷期v.32 n.1
頁次149 - 179
出版者International Association for Buddhist Thought and Culture
出版者網址 http://iabtc.org/
出版地Seoul, Korea [首爾, 韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項Manuel LOPEZ is a scholar of Buddhism with a particular regional focus on Tibet and the Himalayas (Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal). He is an assistant professor of religion at New College of Florida, where he teaches courses on Buddhism, Tibetan and Himalayan Buddhism, Buddhist Contemplative Systems, Hinduism, and Asian Religions in general. He is currently working on a research project that explores the changes in the monastic curriculum that have taken place in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan over the last few decades. This project is a collaboration with Prof. Dorji Gyeltshen, of the Jigme Singye Wangchuck School of Law (JSWSL).
Email: mlopezzafra@ncf.edu
關鍵詞Jung; unconscious; Longchenpa; ground; gzhi; ālaya-vijñāna; universal ground; universal ground of consciousness
摘要This article examines the ideology and practices of the Tibetan Great Perfection as presented by the 14th-century Tibetan scholar Longchenpa in his work The Treasury of Words and Meanings by means of Carl Gustav Jung’s psychological theory. Specifically, the article explores the possible analogies of the Great Perfection concept of the ‘ground’ (Tib. gzhi) with the Jungian concept of the ‘unconscious.’ The article, using J.Z. Smith’s methodological approach of comparison, argues that the similarities observed by some scholars, Jung among them, between the notion of the unconscious and the idea of the ground can offer suggestive insights into the complex ideology of the Great Perfection tradition, by translating the cosmological, and cosmogonical descriptions of the processes in which the ground is involved, in psychological terms. This exercise joins the efforts of other scholars such as Odin (1982), Waldron (2003, 2008), and Waldron and Germano (2006) in offering an alternative interpretation of the Great Perfection notion of the ground in connection to the various background processes that shape the individual’s view and understanding of the world without being aware of it.
目次Abstract 150
Introduction 151
A Note on Methodology 153
The original comparison
Defining the terms
The unconscious
The Ground
The unconscious and the ground: reexamining the original comparison.
The ground as unconscious 166
The problem of duality 168
The cellar and the youthful body in a vase
The unconscious, the ground, and the body
Conclusion: Reviewing the original comparison 173
Notes 174
References 177
ISSN15987914 (P)

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