The topic of the thesis is the research on the perfection of generosity, Danaparamita , in Eleventh assembly of the Prajbaparamita-sutras . The research starts with the basic theory for the practice of the perfection of generosity, then deals with the requirements of the practitioner, and last , the development from the practice of generosity to the perfection of generosity. Based on the research, the conclusion of the studies is stated as follows: 1. In Eleventh assembly of the Prajbaparamita-sutras , several ideas are presented and explained: first, an appropriate approach of the practice of generosity, beginning with giving material things, second, an appropriate attitude toward practicing generosity, and third, the gradual stages of practicing generosity from giving material things to rejoicing in practicing generosity. The result of generous deeds will accumulate merits and roots of virtue, so the foundation of the practice of generosity is not just abstract concepts. Furthermore, the main obstacle to Danaparamita is the attachment to the three spheres to agent, object, and action. An effective antidote to the attachment is to dedicate whatever virtues one has created to enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings by reflecting on emptiness. The reflection on the emptiness of the three spheres will develop into Danaparamita . Through the awareness and attainment of wisdom, the practitioner will realize that the conditions of generosity and stages of the practice of generosity are the revelation of emptiness and interdependence. Therefore, the mentality in practicing generosity will change from anticipation of worldly gains to non-anticipation and from attachment to non-attachment. With the training in mind, the practice of generosity, thus, progress to the perfection of generosity. 2. The practice of Danaparamita is in the stage of cause on the path of the spiritual path of a Bodhisattva. In the process of practice, principles and spiritual guidelines are emphasized for the practitioner to maintain a stable state of mind and attitude, to dispel the grasp at real existence, and to abandon the fruit gained from the practice of Danaparamita . All the practitioner aspires is attain Buddhahood.