
花蓮大陳庫屋與台灣靈厝比較研究=A Study on Comparison Between Dachen’s Paper Vaultin Hualien and Taiwanese Paper House
作者 李瑞芸 (撰)=Lee, Jui-yun (compose)
出版者網址 https://www.fju.edu.tw
出版地新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授鄭志明=Zheng, Zhi-ming
關鍵詞靈厝=Paper Vault; 燒庫屋=Paper House; 生死信仰=Belief of Life and Death
摘要死亡對於中國人而言,向來是忌諱的話題,但是在民國四十四年從大陳島來到台灣的第一代大陳人,卻將死後世界的陰間生活財富,視為此生最大的追求, 於是「燒庫屋」成為做壽的大日子裡的重頭戲。台灣的「靈厝」與「庫錢」是傳統的殯葬習俗,通常是安排在出殯的前一天的功德法會結束之前,家屬會集合在一個地方「圍庫」,以最高的期盼讓往生者到陰間之後能收到豐碩的財富與富麗堂皇的房屋而得到安頓,然後能夠護祐陽世的親人。

Death has always been a taboo topic in Chinese culture. However, the first generation of Dachen People who retreated from Dachen Island to Taiwan in 1955 considered wealthy afterlife as the greatest purpose of their life. “Burning Paper Vault” then becomes the highlight of their birthday ceremony. “Paper House” or “Paper Vault” is a traditional burial custom in Taiwan. Usually, the activity is conducted near the end of the Dharma convention one day before the funeral event. All families gather together at the “gathering vault” with the highest hope for the deceased that they can be settled and receive abundant wealth as well as gorgeous house in their afterlife, which will in turn give blessings and protection upon the relatives still in the mortal realm.
This thesis discusses people’s hope for afterlife with Dachen’s paper vault and Taiwanese paper house/paper money as the theme as well as their meanings and symbolization. Firstly, it describes KMT’s defeat in the Battle of Yijiangshan Islands with CCP in 1955, in which the residents on the islands retreated to Taiwan under KMT Government’s shelter in the Operation King Kong assisted by American forces and the Operation Wyvern solely completed by the ROC Armed Forces. The refugees scattered across 12 cities and counties in Taiwan, and 35 new villages for Dachen People were built as their permanent residence. The Dachen New Village in Hualien is the subject in this thesis. The villagers sheltered by the KMT Government gradually restored their old customs based on the experiences of the members of “Jiolong Club” and “Bafo Club” and turned the original burial customs into celebration of birthday, which then became the most wanted wish in their daily life. In Chapter Three, the thesis explores the “paper house” and “paper money” used in funeral event in Taiwan. Since ancient times, Chinese people got the concept of grave goods, extending the comfortable life of the deceased when they’re still alive. As for “paying” and “distributing to other ancestors,” such customs derive from The Grand Supreme Elderly Lord Five Celestial Dipper Condition Repayment Scripture and The Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure Condition of Prosperity Scripture in Taoism as well as Buddha Speaks the Life and Repaying Sutra of Buddhism. They also symbolize people’s hope for prosperity and wealth in the future. In Chapter Four, with Professor Cheng Chin Min’s belief of life and death being the core, the thesis discusses the concept, ritual, and meaning of Dachen’s paper house and gold ingots as well as Taiwanese paper vault and paper money, whose distinctions are listed as well. Chapter Five describes the conclusion of the thesis and proposes the researcher’s perspectives towards life and death. There is still much room and directions for further studies as the reference for researchers in the future.
目次第一章 緒論 3
第一節 研究動機 3
壹、大陳「燒庫屋」 4
貳、靈厝與庫錢 5
參、研究目的 5
第二節 文獻探討 5
壹、大陳人在台生活記錄 6
貳、紙錢及靈厝的論述 9
參、殯葬禮俗及文化論述 10
第三節 研究方法與研究限制 14
壹、研究方法 14
貳、研究範圍 15
第二章 大陳庫屋 17
第一節 大陳歷史與撤臺安置 19
壹、「大陳」的歷史 19
貳、大陳島的地理環境 20
參、人文環境概況 21
肆、從戰火中撤退來臺的過程 27
第二節大陳庫屋的思想來源 34
壹、大陳庫屋的思想來源 35
貳、延續至下輩子的財富 39
第三節 庫屋的製作 43
壹、庫屋的製作 45
貳、庫屋內的物品 48
參、庫屋內的家人 56
第四節 燒庫屋的儀式 60
壹、燒庫屋的儀式活動 60
貳、庫屋旁邊的客人 65
第三章 臺灣靈厝與庫錢 68
第一節 台灣靈厝 71
壹、靈厝的源流 72
貳、靈厝的材料與製作 79
第二節 庫錢 83
壹、紙錢的起源與流變 84
貳、庫錢 93
第三節 靈厝與庫錢在殯葬禮俗的象徵意義 105
壹、靈厝 106
貳、庫錢 118
第四章 大陳庫屋與臺灣靈厝與庫錢之比較 135
第一節 生死相續-思想源由之比較 138
壹、生死相續的信仰比較 138
貳、器物層之比較 140
參、觀念層的比較 141
第二節 死而不絕-儀式之比較 143
壹、死而不絕的信仰比較 145
貳、儀式層的比較 146
參、觀念層的比較 148
第三節 以生制死-死後安頓之比較 150
壹、以生制死的信仰 150
貳、庫屋-生者希望、靈厝-亡者歸處 151
參、儀式層的比較 155
第四節 以死教生-儀式功能之比較 157
壹、以死教生的信仰 157
貳、儀式層的功能比較 159
第五章 結論 162
第一節 大陳庫屋與台灣靈厝的生死觀 162
第二節 傳統變遷 164
參考書目 167
圖片附錄 176
壹、大陳庫屋 176
貳、台灣靈厝 180

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