
龍城스님의 후반기의 생애(2)
作者 한보광 (著)=Han, Bo-kwang (au.)
出處題名 대각사상=Maha Bodhi Thought=大覺思想
卷期v.4 n.0 백용성스님과 한국불교의 사원경제 문제
頁次9 - 74
出版者대각사상연구원=Institute of Maha Bodhi Thought
出版者網址 http://www.taegak.or.kr/
出版地Seoul, Korea [首爾, 韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article
附註項저자정보: 동국대 교수, 대각사상연구원장
摘要The aim of this paper is to illuminate the achievements of Master Baek, Yong-sung in the period from his age of 63(1926) to his death. The most distinct feature of his achievements in this period is that he proposed 'Kun back seo' in 1926, yet only facing neither social nor national welcome, started to make a substantial effort to expand the Daegak-kyo(大覺敎). The Daegak-kyo building which he constructed in the Yongjung area was the first Korean Buddhist propagation house in a foreign country. Moreover, he established 'Hwakwawon' in Hamyang, declaring the productive Buddhism, and practiced the 'Seon-agriculture Buddhism'(禪農佛敎) by himself. He created original rituals of the Daegak-kyo and new sila-receiving ritual for lay people, trying to establish a clear identity of the Daegak-kyo.
The Sunday school founded in the Daegak-kyo house and textbooks compiled especially for the children shows Master Yong-sung's interest in training the younger generation for the Daegak-kyo and education. He wrote the Kakhaeillyu n』(覺海日輪』), the book of the Daegak-kyo thought, which gave deeper insight of the Daegak-kyo thought and established body of theory. In addition, he published the Korean Avatamska Sutra,' yet furthermore retranslated its Korean-Chinese combined version, and brought out numerous books and translations around the Samjang translation council and the central headquarter of the Daegak-kyo.
Master Yong-sung keenly realized that it was impossible to cooperate with the Japanned Buddhist order in which the precepts were violated, a hierarchy lost, and the monks were having wives and eating meat; therefore he seceded from the existing order. He resigned his priesthood and devoted himself to Seon(禪) Buddhism which he had advocated. Due to the Japanese oppression, however, it was hard to preserve property, so he left the Daegak-kyo property in trust to the Korean Trust Bank, later moving it to the Kyungsung propagation house in Beomuh temple. To make the foundation of the Daegak-kyo much firmer, he initiated his disciples to the tenets of the Daegak-kyo. Finally, the Daegak-kyo was dispersed, and he declared the General Headquarter of Korean Buddhist Seon Sector(朝鮮佛 敎禪宗叢林). He died at the age of 77, on Feb. 24, 1940. Later his disciples have ascertained his achievements and conducted memorial ceremonies, and the Daegak-kyo Foundation was approved and has continued up to date.
目次I. 머리말 10
II. 대각교세의 확장 10
1. 해외 대각교당 건립 10
2. 선농불교실천 16
3. 대각교 의식 정립. 20
4. 화엄경 번역 21
5. 교육기관 설립 - 도제 양성 29
6. 사상서 저술 - 이론적 정립 34
7. 대각교 수계의식 제정 41
8. 종단 탈퇴 선언 46
III. 대각교의 탄압과 해산 49
1. 대각교 재산 신탁 49
2. 대각교 지취와 전법 51
3. 대각교 해산 56
IV. 입적 65
V. 맺음말 71
.영문초록 73
ISSN12291080 (P)

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