星雲大師《金剛經講話》所體現的破立之道=The Way of Establishment and Deconstruction as Shown in the Describing the Indescribable: A Discourse on the Diamond Sutra by Venerable Master Hsing Yun
《金剛經講話》=Describing the Indescribable: A Discourse on the Diamond Sutra; 星雲大師=Venerable Master Hsing Yun; 破立=refutation and revelation; 破執=refutation of wrong views; 顯正=revealing the truth; 人間佛教=Humanistic Buddhism
Through textual analysis of Describing the Indescribable: A Discourse on the Diamond Sutra, this research explores how Venerable Master Hsing Yun and the Fo Guang Shan Order actualizes the prajna wisdom of “refuting wrong views” and “revealing right views” as demonstrated in the Diamond Sutra and its manifestation in the propagation of Humanistic Buddhism. “Refuting wrong views”—as demonstrated in Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Describing the Indescribable: A Discourse on the Diamond Sutra—involves three aspects. First, refutation of the view of the self allows one to transcend the root of cyclic existence and self-centeredness, which leads to one being free from the four marks and achieving the state of “non-self.” Second, refutation of the view of phenomena can correct one’s false view of substantial phenomena and lessen one’s attachment to the Dharma, which results in equality, non-obstruction, and interpenetration of the Dharma. Third, refutation of the view of emptiness eliminates one’s tendency (gained after realizing the emptiness of self and phenomena) to lean towards the lesser vehicle and nihilism. The humanistic “bodhisattva’s way of life” is achieved through the refutation of the views of self, phenomena, and emptiness. “Revealing right views,”—as demonstrated in Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Describing the Indescribable: A Discourse on the Diamond Sutra—also involves three aspects. First, the truth of “non-self” is interpreted through the idea of universal buddha nature; therefore, the “bodhisattva’s way of life” naturally becomes broader. Second, the truth of “equality of thusness” allows one to transcend traditions as well as propagate the Dharma universally and that accords with the aptitudes of sentient beings. Third, the truth of “refuting the view of nihilism” harmonizes the mundane and supramundane and avoids any extremes, which demonstrates “non-abiding” as skillful means in Dharma propagation. Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Describing the Indescribable: A Discourse on the Diamond Sutra is a comprehensive guide to Humanistic Buddhism. Through each refutation and revelation, this research characterizes Dharma propagation in Humanistic Buddhism, which is to apply the Diamond Sutra’s prajna wisdom in the international Dharna propagation undertakings of the Fo Guang Shan Order. The humanistic approach—an inherent Buddhist value—will ensure the continuation of the Buddha’s teachings and the abidance of the right Dharma.