「正念」課程啟發社區老人生命意義之研究-以高雄市某社區為例=A Study on the Life Meaning of Elderly People Inspired by the Mindfulness-Based Courses: A Case Study of a Local Community in Kaohsiung City
With the growth of the aging population and the lower birth ratein Taiwan, the researcher hasbeen the listenerof the stories of the elders whileproviding services tothe local communities. Theirrich life experience and body-mind sufferingwere always touchingand causing teardrops. Thus, how to make their mind opened and live their lives happily are the two main concerns of the thesis. The purpose ofthis research is to apply the mindfulness-based therapy & educationcourses to the elders ina local communityby inspiring their self-awareness andhelpingthem exploretheir life meaning. As a result, they couldbe aware of,appreciateand share their own meaning and purpose of life. The data were collected through depth-interviews, and the life stories of the elders were then qualitatively analyzed.During the process,the courses and activities of mindfulness-based therapy and education were conducted so that the elderssufferingcanbe relieved, and that the practical function of the courses and activities can be evaluated and understood. The findings were as follows. The elders can (1) learn to break the habit and follow the new path of life exploration; (2)build up new understandingand practiceofreligion; (3)relocate the new ethical position in their family; (4)acquire spiritual reliance and satisfaction.All in all, the eldersreceiving the conducted courses and activities positively advanced the conceptions of their life meanings .