Each sutra is important for Buddhists, and the sayings “ being enlightened from Surangama Sutra, attaining Buddhahood from Lotus Sutra ” shows the Suramgama Sutra is one of the significant sutras to attain Buddhahood. Suramgama Sutra, which not only enlightens people but also helps them attain Buddhahood, is the best instructing guidance to practice the Dharma. In Mahayana Buddhism, the root to arise the surpass Bodhicitta is vow to teach, instruct, benefit and give joy for the sentient beings, moreover, with compassion, one does not abide in nirvana. Therefore, to give rise to Bodhicitta is a necessary path to attain the Buddhahood when practicing Mahayana Dharma. This study analyzes the the Significance of Bodhicitta based on the Surangama Sutra commentaries, and tries to understand how to rightly arise Bodhicitta through the two key definitions from the sutra. Looking over the commentaries by vanerables, the interpretations are various owing to their different schools and practice paths from Song dynasty to Qing dynasty. However, their main practice paths of arising Bodhicitta are similar. After collecting different commentaries on the significance of Bodhicitta and realizing how to arise Bodhicitta, this study concludes three key points while cultivating: 1) to focus on the alambana every thoughts, not be changed by outer factors; 2) the practioners could not seize upon conditions via any one of six organs to turn the five consciousnesses to krtyanusthana-jnana, and turn the sadvijnana to the pratyaveksana-jnana after entering Samadhi and observivg the emptiniess of all the dharma; and further 3), to store good seeds back to Alaya, transform consciousness into prajana wisdom, in order to liberate from reincarnation.