
《維摩詰經》心淨即土淨思想與中道菩薩行之研究-以淨影慧遠《維摩義記》為主=Pure Land Thought and the Middle Way in the Vimalakīrti Sūtra--The Perspectives Presented by Huiyan in the Weimo Yiji
作者 曾興隆 (撰)=Tseng, Hsing-lung (compose)
出版者網址 https://www3.nhu.edu.tw
出版地嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授尤惠貞=You, Huei-jhen
關鍵詞維摩詰=Vimalakīrti Sutra; 心淨則佛土淨=creating a pure land by purifying the mind; 淨土=Pure Land Buddhism; 中道=Middle Way; 不二=non-duality; 菩薩之行=bodhisattva path; 六度=six paramitas

The two main characters in the Vimalakīrti Sūtra are Sakyamuni Buddha and the householder Vimalakīrti. Equal in terms of enlightenment and their ability to expound the Dharma, the former represents transcendence of the world, while the latter represents engagement with the world. In addition to the “real character of all dharmas,” the central ideas of the Vimalakīrti Sūtra are the non-duality of the Middle Way and how a Buddha-realm comes into existence through the purification of the mind. The Vimalakīrti Sūtra has had a major impact on Chinese Buddhism and can be seen as bridge between the Pure Land scriptures and those belonging to the prajnaparamita class of scriptures. In this thesis I explore the following topics found in the Vimalakīrti Sūtra: 1) the Pure Land; 2) the idea of “creating a pure land by purifying the mind”; 3) the teachings on the Middle Way; and 4) the practices relating to the “Bodhisattva Pure Land.”
After being introduced through the Vimalakīrti Sūtra Sūtra and other scriptures and their commentaries, the concept of creating a pure land by purifying the mind gradually spread throughout Chinese Buddhism. The Vimalakīrti teaches that the creation of a purified Buddha-land requires making a vow to attain unsurpassable, perfect enlightenment, and perfection in the practices which benefit both self and other. The teachings in the Vimalakīrti most characteristic of Pure Land thought are the graded practices of the Bodhisattva Path and the principle of “the non-duality of the Middle Way.” In its earlier stages Chinese Buddhism tended to regard the pure land as something “out there,” but with the increasing popularity of the Vimalakīrti more importance began to be given to the idea of creating a pure land by purifying the mind, i.e., that the real pure land is to be found in the purified heart. Indeed, as this idea developed and came to be assimilated by each school of Chinese Buddhism it came to have a significant influence on their respective theory and practice of vipasyana. The Vimalakīrti came to have an especially important role in the teachings of the Chan school.
The teachings in the Vimalakīrti on non-duality are given for the sake of those who are attached to discrimination and duality. Yet, “the non-duality of the Middle Way” is a provisional teaching, not the ultimate truth, which transcends verbal expression; indeed, the teachings on non-duality are superfluous for those who are already well versed in non-duality. In the Vimalakīrti the Middle Way and the idea of the non-duality of emptiness and existence are employed to dispel false views and the mental afflictions which arise as a consequence of attachment to duality. It is also taught that the realization of the arising and ceasing of all phenomena due to causes and conditions dispels attachment to discrimination and duality; with the non-arising of afflicted thoughts comes the realization of non-duality and emptiness; indeed, non-duality is the Middle Way. It can also be seen in the Vimalakīrti that generating the thought of enlightenment and purifying a Buddha-realm relies on the purity of the non-duality of the Middle Way, as well as the joint practices of benefiting self and others, cultivating merit
目次中文摘要 I
Abstract II
目次 IV
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 第一節 研究動機與目的 2
第二節 文獻回顧與評介 5
一、《維摩詰經》譯本、注釋書及整體思想研究方面 5
二、《維摩詰經》淨土思想研究方面 11
三、《維摩詰經》中道不二思想研究方面 15
四、《維摩詰經》菩薩思想研究方面 17
第三節 研究方法 18
一、文獻學方法 20
二、義理分析法 21
第四節 全文架構概述 22
第二章《維摩詰經》的淨土思想 25
第一節《維摩詰經》在中國的開展 26
一、《維摩詰經》的傳譯 26
二、《維摩詰經》的內容架構 30
第二節 《維摩詰經》的「心淨則佛土淨」思想 35
一、心淨則佛土淨 36
三、菩薩淨土之行 39
第三節 小結 53
第三章中國淨土思想與「心淨即土淨」的關聯 55
第一節 中國佛教的淨土思想 56
一、他方世界淨土思想 57
二、娑婆世界淨土思想 64
三、自心世界淨土思想 69
四、中國佛教對淨土的分類 73
第二節《維摩詰經》心淨即土淨在中國的詮譯 75
一、「心淨即土淨」的漸、頓問題 76
二、中國各宗派祖師對「心淨即土淨」的詮釋 79
三、唯心淨土的提出與轉變 82
第三節 小結 85
第四章 《維摩詰經》的中道思想 87
第一節 啟教二乘悟入中道 88
一、教化聲聞悟入中道 89
二、啟導菩薩契入中道 96
第二節 中道不二理 104
一、中道之意涵 104
二、入不二法門 106
第三節 不盡有為,不住無為 118
一、不盡有為 119
二、不住無為 122
三、盡無盡解脫法門 124
第四節 小結 127
第五章 中道菩薩行的實踐 129
第一節 行於非道,通達佛道 130
一、以善方便,居煩惱土 130
二、行於非道,攝取眾生 133
三、煩惱即菩提,起通佛道行 137
第二節 悲智雙運,福慧雙修 139
一、四無量心,成就慈悲喜捨眾生 140
二、六波羅蜜,成熟饒益一切有情 145
第三節 明白真理,隨緣自在 156
一、明白法界性,法尚應捨,何況非法 157
二、善巧方便,說法無礙,淨佛國土 159
第四節 小結 164
第六章 結論 167
一、《維摩詰經》「心淨即淨土」的特色 167
二、中道不二理對眾生的啟發 168
三、菩薩行實踐意義與影響 169
四、淨影慧遠《維摩義記》思想特色及學術價值 170
參考文獻 173

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