
宗教團體使命與附屬機構績效結合之研究─以有機茶場為例=An Alignment between the Mission of Religious Organization and its Performance of Affiliated Unit : An Organic Tea Farm Case
作者 楊富美 (撰)=釋晴元 (compose)
出版者網址 https://www3.nhu.edu.tw
出版地嘉義市, 臺灣 [Chia-i shih, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授黃德舜=Huang, Derek-teshun
關鍵詞社會企業=Social Enterprise; 宗教型非營利事業=Religious Organization; 宗教團體附屬機構=Affiliated Unit of Religious Organization; 使命=Mission; 願景=Vision; 策略=Strategy; 績效管理=Performance Management; 損益平衡分析=Break-even Analysis; 佛法山=Buddhadharma Mt; 有機茶場=Organic Tea Farm

The non-profit organizations(NPO),which of the main purpose lie in its social value , come in types of charity, public welfare, education, religion and so on. In Taiwan, there’s a trend that NPO have been increasing in recent years. In 1994, the statistics of the civil associations under the Jurisdiction of the central government is 2,419, and the civic associations under the Jurisdiction of the local government is 14,652. In 2012, the number of the civil associations of the central government is 11,959, and the civic associations of the local government is 39,494. Under the competitive environment, the management of NPO is getting harder and harder. Besides, the religious NPO haven’t been restricted and pay attention to minimum management. For religious caring for the people, religious organizations do not calculate the benefits and costs; and its key features are efforts and perseverance, do not have professional and internal management. Now, because the religious NPO are faced with increasing competition groups and most donations from society have been centralized to major religious groups. What’s more, the government''s welfare budget has been shrinking. Therefore, for the religious NPO, it is more challenging to sustain the development in the long run and good management seems to be a must- do way to exist.
Through making elaborate mission and identifying the purpose of existence, religious organizations enable to develop self-reliance business and affiliated Unit.
In addition, by framing vision and effective strategy, including executing methods, the religious NPO will make the best use of resources and even acquire more available resources, and construct a self-sufficiency, reasonable and practical management system. This research usees a case study method and explores a religious organization affiliated unit of Buddhadharma Mt owned a organic tea farm.
1. Explore the problems of an alignment between the mission of religious organization and its performance of affiliated unit.
2. Explore the problems between operations and performance of affiliated unit of Buddhadharma Mt. by using research methods of literature review, direct observations, and focus group interview. Offer advice and give references of other religious organization development.
This research has reached the following results :
1. The mission of Buddhadharma Mt. is to popularize cultural education , hold charities, expand organic Farming Zen Dharma Gate, and establish organic land.
2. The operation of organic tea farm is that the masters are responsible for cultivation and the believers manage to marketing.
3.The organic tea farm doesn’t take effective managements about performance.However, all aspects of its performance perform well, and non-financial performance perform very well, too. Due to the media’s high attention and clear visibility, the tea farm also received many awards from all over the world, becoming one of Taiwan''s largest organic tea farm with the biggest planting area, the best quality, and lots of domestic and foreign organic certification.
This case study is involved
目次誌謝辭 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 4
第三節 研究目的 7
第四節 研究範圍及流程 10
第二章 文獻探討 15
第一節 宗教團體使命與非營利事業 15
第二節 附屬機構事業的管理 24
第三節 損益平衡分析應用在宗教附屬機構之探討 36
第三章 研究設計 49
第一節 研究架構 50
第二節 研究方法 52
第三節 研究步驟 54
第四節 資料來源及操作性定義 56
第四章 附屬機構個案研究及應用 61
第一節 個案之宗教團體介紹 61
第二節 附屬機構應用損益平衡分析之探討 75
第三節 宗教團體使命與附屬機構績效結合之個案問題探討 85
第四節 宗教團體有機茶場發展上的困難與建議 104
第五章 結論與建議 111
第一節 結論 111
第二節 建議 115
參考文獻 117

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