Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism: Lives |
作者 |
Silk, Jonathan Alan (主編)
Bowring, Richard (編)
Eltschinger, Vincent (編)
Radich, Michael (編)
卷期 | v.2 |
出版日期 | 2019.06.20 |
頁次 | 1307 |
出版者 | Brill |
出版者網址 |
出版地 | Leiden, the Netherlands [萊登, 荷蘭] |
叢書名 | Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 2 South Asia |
附屬叢書 | Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism |
叢書號 | 29-2 |
資料類型 | 工具書=Reference Book |
使用語言 | 英文=English |
附註項 | Jonathan Silk is professor in the study of Buddhism at Leiden University. His research centers on the scriptural literature of Indian Buddhism, with particular attention to Mahāyāna sūtras and their translations into Chinese and Tibetan. His major publications include Buddhist Cosmic Unity (2015), Riven by Lust: Incest and Schism in Indian Buddhist Legend and Historiography (2008), and Managing Monks: Administrators and Administrative Roles in Indian Buddhist Monasticism (2008), as well as numerous articles. Among other roles, he is editor-in-chief of the Indo-Iranian Journal. Vincent Eltschinger, is Professor for Indian Buddhism at the École Pratique des Hautes Études, PSL Research University, Paris. His research focuses on the religious background, apologetic dimensions and genealogy of Buddhist philosophy. His numerous publications are dedicated mainly to the Buddhists’ polemics against Brahmanism from Aśvaghoṣa to late Buddhist epistemologists. Mention can be made of Penser l’autorité des Écritures (2007), Caste and Buddhist Philosophy (2012), Buddhist Epistemology as Apologetics (2014), Self, No-Self and Salvation (2013, together with Isabelle Ratié). Richard Bowring is Professor Emeritus of Japanese Studies at the University of Cambridge, having held previous posts at Monash, Columbia and Princeton. He is known for his wide-ranging interest in many aspects of Japanese culture, from Murasaki Shikibu to Mori Ōgai. His more recent work includes two books on the religious and intellectual history of Japan: The Religious Traditions of Japan, 500–1600 (Cambridge University Press, 2005) and In Search of the Way: Thought and Religion in Early-ModernJapan, 1582–1860 (Oxford University Press, 2017). Michael Radich formerly taught at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, and is now Professor of Buddhist Studies at Heidelberg. His Harvard PhD (2007) was entitled “The Somatics of Liberation”. He is author of How Ajātaśatru Was Reformed (2011), and The Mahāparinirvāṇa-mahāsūtra and the Emergence of Tathāgatagarbha Doctrine (2015). |
摘要 | Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism is the first comprehensive academic reference work devoted to the plurality of Buddhist traditions across Asia, offering readers a balanced and detailed treatment of this complex phenomenon in six thematically arranged volumes: literature and languages (I, publ. 2015), lives (II, publ. 2019), thought (III, forthcoming winter 2023/4), history (IV, in two parts, publ. spring 2023 and winter 2023/4), practice (V, 2026), index and remaining issues (VI, forthcoming 2026).
Each volume contains substantial original essays by many of the world’s foremost scholars, essays which not only cover basic information and well-known issues but which also venture into areas as yet untouched by modern scholarship. An essential tool for anyone interested in Buddhism. Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism is also available online Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism Online. , with new volumes added following their original publication in print. Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism is under the general editorial control of Jonathan Silk (Leiden University, editor-in-chief). Each volume has a dedicated board of specialist editors and in later volumes also a volume editor; in the series so far this includes Richard Bowring (University of Cambridge), Vincent Eltschinger (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris), Oskar von Hinuber (Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg) and Michael Radich (Heidelberg University). |
ISBN | 9789004299375 (hc) |
相關書評 | - Book Review: Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism: Lives. Edited by Jonathan A. Silk, Richard Bowring, Vincent Eltschinger and Michael Radich / Boucher, Daniel (評論)
點閱次數 | 256 |
建檔日期 | 2023.06.14 |
更新日期 | 2023.06.14 |

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