但在五幅畫面最中央的位置的大幅岩面上刻寫了完整的㯿文《聖薄伽梵母般若波羅蜜多心經》(འཕགས་པ་བཅོམ་,ན་འདས་ཽ་ཋནས་255555% ་6ིན་པའྀ་8ིང་པོ)(C 組),其左側下方則刻寫了㯿文《無量壽宗要經》(ཚ;་དཔག་5་<ེད་པའྀ་མདོ་=ེ)(B 組)。本文對 B 組的《無量壽宗要經》進行了轉錄、翻譯。為了找到該刻經經文的出處,本文收集了敦煌文書和大㯿經中的同名佛經進行了比較對勘。這部石刻佛經是個濃縮版,只有咒語部分是完整的,其他部分十分精簡。關於其年代,推測為九世紀上半葉。這部石刻版《無量壽宗要經》為我們提供了吐蕃時期該經的一個重要版本。
In the summer of 2012, Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology, the Center for Tibetan Studies and the Department of Archaeology at Sichuan University organized a cooperative archaeological team to conduct a survey of four Buddhist cliff carvings in the Leb 'khog valley of Yu shul, Qinghai Province. The second site, named Dbus nag byon pa, consists of five groups of negative lined carvings combined with Tibetan inscriptions including scenes of the monkey offering honey to the Buddha, the Buddha’s birth, his teaching, his descent from the heaven of the thirty-three, his nirvāṇa and so on. In the middle of the site, there is a 28-line Tibetan inscription of the 'Phags pa bcom ldan 'das ma shes rab gyi pha rol du phyin pa'I snying po (Group C) and there is a Tibetan inscription of the Tshe dpag du myed pa'I mdo sde (Group B) to its lower left. This paper provides a transcript based on an on-site reading and a Chinese translation of the inscription. To determine the filiation of the text of this inscription, we compared the different Tibetan and Chinese “editions” of this sūtra found in old Dunhuang manuscripts and in the Buddhist canons. This stone carved sūtra is a concise version; only the mantra (sngags) section is intact, with other sections missing or simplified. It is estimated that the inscription dates to the first half of the ninth century and belongs to the so-called Middle Old Tibetan period. This stone carved Tshe dpag du myed pa'i mdo sde provides one more important version of this sūtra of the Tibetan imperial period.