Kanda, Yoriko (1947-) 神田より子, ethnologue. Enseigne à Keiwa College (en 2008). Fait partie d'un numéro thématique: Le vivre ensemble à Sasaguri, une communauté de Kyūshū. Dans l'entrelacs des dynamiques du dedans et du dehors.
The present article analyzes the narratives by women who are not shown on the center stage of history. Though they are the living witness of the age and the locality, and support the traditions, are not recorded in written documents.
In Sasaguri, there are women who come from the outside, attracted by the religious pole of the sacred places, and obtain there religious powers. Those who come to visit them are not only pilgrims, but also their personal believers. The supreme authority in Sasaguri, the abbot of Nanzō-in, is supported by his wife. She pulled him out to the secular position of "husband", while he remains the religious authority. Another woman born and raised in Sasaguri, the wife of the abbot of Chizuru-ji, is a secular person in supporting her religious husband, but at the same time, being the daughter of parents, both charismatic religious persons, who came to Sasaguri from the outside, she fully inherited their subtle power, and is on the point of making her religious power bloom inside her native town.
Women who lived and worked in the coal mines of Meiji Takata Industry until the beginning of the 1960s were at the same time female workers who had came there from the outside, and central beings of the inside, since they were wives of workers' families. There were also prostitutes who worked there. They constituted the inside of the secular world needed by mine workers, but also the outside of the outside, as discriminated women.
Through the eyes and actions of these women, the article attempts to describe the complex interactions of dynamics between outside and inside, and sacred and secular.
Le pouvoir des femmes dans la formation du Nouveau pèlerinage de Shikoku à Sasaguri 554 Les femmes des autres temples et oratoires du circuit de pèlerinage 562 Les femmes des temples surnuméraires (bangai) 572 Celles qui se rendent à l'extérieur de Sasaguri 581 L'endroit et le revers du monde profane, les mines de charbon de Sasaguri 585 Bibliographie603 Résumé en japonais 606