
Gendun Chopel: Tibet's Modern Visionary
作者 Lopez, Donald S., Jr. (著)
出版者網址 https://www.shambhala.com/
出版地Boulder, CO, US [博爾德, 科羅拉多州, 美國]
叢書名Lives of the Masters
附註項DONALD S. LOPEZ, JR. is the Arthur E. Link Distinguished University Professor of Buddhist and Tibetan Studies and Chair of the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Michigan.
摘要Visionary, artist, poet, iconoclast, philosopher, adventurer, master of the arts of love, tantric yogin, Buddhist saint. These are some of the terms that describe Tibet’s modern culture hero Gendun Chopel (1903–1951). The life and writings of this sage of the Himalayas mark a key turning point in Tibetan history, when twentieth-century modernity came crashing into Tibet from British India to the south and from Communist China to the east. For the first time, the astonishing breadth of his remarkable accomplishments is captured in a single, definitive volume.

Here is an exploration of Gendun Chopel’s life as a recognized tulku, or incarnation of a previous master, becoming a monk and soon surpassing the knowledge of his teachers, to his travels and discoveries throughout Tibet, India, and Sri Lanka. His exposure to the wider world brought together his philosophical training, artistic virtuosity, and meditative experience, inspiring an incredible corpus of poetry, prose, and painting. While Gendun Chopel was known by the Tibetan establishment for his vast learning and progressive ideas—which eventually landed him in a Lhasa prison—he was little appreciated in his lifetime. However, since his death in 1951 his legacy, fame, and relevance across the Tibetan cultural landscape and beyond have continued to grow.

No American scholar knows Gendun Chopel better than Donald Lopez, who has written six books about him, culminating in this volume. Lopez intimately and eloquently carries the reader through the life of Gendun Chopel and sets the stage for his selected writings, which present the range and depth of Gendun Chopel’s thought. The most comprehensive and wide-ranging work available on this extraordinary figure, this inaugural book of the Lives of the Masters series is an instant classic.
目次Series Introduction vii
Preface ix
Introduction 1
The Biography
Tibet 9
India 21
Sojourn in Ceylon 49
Return to Tibet 67
The Buddhism of Gendun Chopel 89
The Writings
Reasons for Writing, from Grains of Gold 117
The Wonders of India, from Grains of Gold 123
A Description of Bodh Gaya, from Guide to the Sacred Sites of India 129
The World Is Round, from Melong 135
Selected Poetry 139
Erotic Instruction, from the Treatise on Passion 159
On Islam, from Grains of Gold 165
The Monks of Sri Lanka, from Grains of Gold 175
Gendun Chopel's India, from Grains of Gold 195
Tibet's Glorious Past, from the White Annals 223
On the Nature of Reality, from Adornment for Nagarjuna's Thought 227
Acknowledgments 251
Notes 253
Bibliography 263
Index 267
ISBN9781611804065 (pbk)

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