Book Review: Core Texts of the Sŏn Approach: A Compendium of Korean Sŏn (Chan) Buddhism Translated by Jeffrey L. Broughton with Elise Yoko Watanabe
Pokorny, Lukas (評論)
Religious Studies Review
卷期 v.47 n.3
出版日期 2021.09
頁次 398 - 398
出版者 Wiley-Blackwell
出版地 Oxford, UK [牛津, 英國]
資料類型 期刊論文=Journal Article; 書評=Book Review
使用語言 英文=English
附註項 CORE TEXTS OF THE SŎN APPROACH: A COMPENDIUM OF KOREAN SŎN (CHAN) BUDDHISM. Translated by Jeffrey L. Broughton with Elise Yoko Watanabe. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. xii + 279. Hardback, $99.00.
ISSN 0319485X (P); 17480922 (E)
原書資訊 Core Texts of the Sŏn Approach: A Compendium of Korean Sŏn (Chan) Buddhism . Broughton, Jeffrey L. (譯) ; Watanabe, Elise Yoko (譯) . New York, NY, US [紐約, 紐約州, 美國]: Oxford University Press, 2021. 279. 9780197530542. (hc).; 9780197530573. (eb).; 0197530540. (hc). [ 全文 ]
點閱次數 166
建檔日期 2023.08.01
更新日期 2023.08.01
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