Peṭakopadesa is one of Pāli texts, which is included in Khuddakanikāya of Suttapiṭaka. It is closely related to Pile mentioned in Da Zhi Du Lun. It is a different dhamma from Abhidhamma, and different from the documents of Southern Theravada. The study of this document is helpful to understand the development history of early treatises and the discovery of the fundamental treatises of Mahāsāṃghika. It is also of great significance to the study of the history of Buddhist documents and the history of Buddhist thought. So far, there is no Chinese translation of this document. The author will translate and annotate it and discuss relevant problems. Before translating Peṭakopadesa, we should clarify several problems: (1) The research status of this literature; (2)Formal features of documents: author, version, circulation, etc; (3) Its content characteristics: methods and theories; (4) According to the above research results and the facts of fragments, not only sort out and explain the historical facts related to this literature, but also several issues related to the topic of this paper.