
특집 1 : 當代中國佛敎的現狀與使命=The Status Quo and Mission of Chinese Buddhism
作者 魏道儒 (著)=Wei, Dao-ru (au.)
出處題名 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture
卷期v.1 n.0
頁次37 - 49
出版者동아시아불교문화학회=The Association of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture
出版者網址 http://www.easternasia.kr/
出版地Busan, Korea [釜山, 韓國]
資料類型期刊論文=Journal Article

關鍵詞harmonious world=和諧世界; harmonious society=和諧社會; ethics and morality=倫理道德; benevolence and public benefits=慈善公益; Love to motherland and Buddhism=愛國愛敎; temple economy=寺院經濟; Mission=使命; Buddhist education=佛敎敎育; Status Quo=現狀; Chinese Buddhism=中國佛敎
摘要上個世紀八十年代以來,中國佛敎在僧尼人數、組織規模和寺院經濟等方面快速發展。佛敎界的各類學術硏究機構持續增多。佛敎界學者出版的著作、論文集數量不斷增加,涉及的範圍也越來越廣泛。硏究成果涉及經典文獻、宗派曆史、義理哲學、文學藝術、法事儀軌等各個方面。現在除了中國佛敎協會下屬的中國佛學院之外,各地佛敎協會或大寺院創辦的佛學院大約有數十所,規模不等,爲佛敎界培養了一大批人才。中國佛敎協會號召全國佛敎界今後把工作重點轉移到發展佛敎敎育,提高四衆素質方面來。各地的寺院也要逐步加大對敎育的投入,致力於提高寺院的品位。近十幾年來,中國佛敎從事的社會慈善公益活動規模、範圍和影響都不斷擴大。中國佛敎界在保持和發展同韓國、日本、越南、蒙古、泰國、緬甸、尼泊爾等許多亞洲國家的傳統友好關系的同時,逐步建立和加强了與歐 洲、美洲、澳洲等幾十個國家和地區的佛敎組織和信衆的友好聯系。中國佛敎重視發揚愛國愛敎、關愛衆生的傳統,重視倫理道德、勸人向善的傳統,倡導慈善公益、扶危濟困的傳統,以及愛好和平、重視文化建設、注重國際友好交流等傳統,倂且在這些方面都做出了흔多工作。當代中國佛敎處在前所未有的良好社會環境中,充分發揮善世利人社會功能的領域更爲廣闊。通過弘揚淨化人心的敎義促進人與自我的和諧,通過運用佛敎倫理促進人與社會的和諧,通過致力於環境保護促進人與自然的和諧,都是佛敎在構建社會主義和諧社會中發揮獨特作用的方面。對內爲建設和諧社會服務,對外爲建設和諧世界做貢獻,是當代中國佛敎在新世紀不可替代的曆史使命,也是中國佛敎與時俱進,適應社會,實現自身健康發展的必由之路。

From 1980s, Chinese Buddhism has undergone rapid development in the numbers of monks and nuns, scale of organizations as well as temple economy. More and more academic institutes appear in the Buddhist field. Books and articles written and published by Buddhists increase with very large scopes. The research achievements concern with scriptures, history of Buddhist sects, Buddhist philosophy, literature, art and Buddhist ceremonies etc.. Apart from Chinese Buddhist College subordinated to Chinese Association of Buddhism, there exist several decades of Buddhist colleges with different scale in China. They foster a large number of Buddhist talents. Chinese Association of Buddhism advocates Chinese Buddhist field to develop the Buddhist education and promote the quality of believers. Temples in the whole country should also invest more capital in the Buddhist education and enhance the grade of temples. For more than ten years, the scale, scope and influence increasingly enlarge of benevolent activities that Chinese Buddhism participates. In maintaining and developing traditional friendly relationship with Asian countries such as South Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Mongolia, Thailand, Burma and Nepal, Chinese Buddhist circle gradually sets up and strengthens the friendly relationship with Buddhist organizations and believers in Europe, America and Oceania. Chinese Buddhism emphasizes, advocates excellent traditions and accordingly makes great efforts in these fields such as ardent love to motherland and Buddhism, care for Sattva, emphasis on ethics and morality, advocate for benevolence and public benefits, love for peace, emphasis on cultural construction as well as attention to international friendly exchanges. At present, Chinese Buddhism lies in an unprecedented good social environment. There is wider space for it to bring into play the social function of benefiting the world and people. Chinese Buddhism can play a particular role in constructing socialist harmonious society by expanding positive doctrines to purify the mind of oneself, by applying Buddhist ethics to promote the harmony between people and society, by putting effort into environment protection to promote the harmony between human being and nature. For Chinese Buddhism, to serve the construction of harmonious society domestically as well as contribute to the construction of a harmonious world internationally is an indispensably historical mission in the new century. Significantly, it is also the only way for Chinese Buddhism to keep pace with the time, adjust itself to the society and realize its healthy development.
目次內容摘要 37
一 39
二 43
ISSN27140938 (P); 27140946 (E)

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