2. The following pages are an extract from a recently published book entitled New Mahãyãna: Buddhism for a Post-Modern World 新大乗 仏教のポスト ‧ モダン (Tokyo, 1988, pp. 52–57 , 1 79–205). Its author is a well-known and widely published Rinzai Zen monk scholar, who is also one of the leading figures in the Buddhist-Christian dialogue in Japan. An annotated translation of the work with commentary is currently being prepared by Paul Swanson and James Heisig of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture. The notes have been kept to a minimum here.
Dialogue with other religions 38 A Christian experience of Zen 40 Zen experience, Zen consciousness, Zen thought 43 “I have seen the true suchness” — Yagi’s own explanation 44 Mumon Rōshi’s Religious Experience 46 Mumon Rōshi’s Zen Experience 48 Experiencing the very foundations of religion 49 Who gives things names? 51 NOTES 53