西藏阿里帕爾嘎爾布石窟(K1)壁畫題記釋讀與相關問題=The Interpretation of the Inscription on the Murals in Cave K1 of the Pargarbu(Barkhor)Caves in Ngari Prefecture, Tibet and Related Issues
The Pargarbu( Barkhor) Caves is one of the important sites of the Second Propagation of Buddhism in Tibet in the Sutlej River basin of the western Tibet. It has significant value for the studies of the history of the development of Buddhism and art history in Tibet. This article re-transcribes, re-collates and re-interprets the inscription on the murals in Cave K1 at this site, and shows how they reveal the close ties between the western Tibet and the Western Xia Kingdom, as well as the Mongols of the Yuan regime. On this basis, the author finds that this cave reflects how these religious beliefs were all derived from the western Tibet, and were closely related to the royal family of Tibet. The emergence of some new motifs reflects the complexity of the situation in the spread of religious sects in the western Tibet during the 13th to 14th centuries. In addition, it also indicates that this cave should be dated to around the first half of the 13th century.