Book Review: The Rain of Wisdom: The Essence of the Ocean of True Meaning Edited by Karma-pa VIII Mi-bskyod-rdo-rje, et al.
Kapstein, Matthew (評論)
The Journal of the Tibet Society
卷期 v.4
出版日期 1984
頁次 78 - 82
出版者 Tibet Society
出版地 Bloogminton, IN, US
資料類型 期刊論文=Journal Article; 書評=Book Review
使用語言 英文=English
附註項 Karma-pa VIII Mi-bskyod-rdo-rje, et al., ed., (Translated by the Nalanda Translation Committee under the direction of Chögyam Trungpa), The Rain of Wisdom: The Essence of the Ocean of True Meaning (Boulder, Shambhala Press, 1980), xxiii + 384 pp.
原書資訊 The Rain of Wisdom: The Essence of the Ocean of True Meaning, Bringing the Rain of Wisdom, the Spontaneous Self-liberation, the Blazing Great Bliss, the Quick Path to Realization of the Supreme Siddhi, the Vajra Songs of the Kagyü Gurus . Karma-pa VIII Mi-bskyod-rdo-rje (編) ; Nalanda Translation Committee (譯) ; Chögyam Trungpa (指導) . Boulder, CO, US [博爾德, 科羅拉多州, 美國]: Shambhala Press, 1980. 384. 9780394514123. (hbc).; 9780394739724. (pbc).; 0394739728. (pbc).
點閱次數 156
建檔日期 2023.10.16
更新日期 2023.10.16
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