반주삼매; 반주삼매경; 관불삼매; 대승경전; 경전확산운동; 대승불교의 기원; Pratyutpannasamādhi; Pratyutpannasamādhi sūtra; buddhānusmṛti; textual movement; Dharmabhāṇaka; Mahāyāna sūtra; the origin of Mahāyāna
반주삼매는 초기 대승불교의 특징적인 요소들이 잘 나타나 있는 불수념의 한 종류다. 반주삼매의 원류은『숫따니빠따』,『앙굿따라 니까야』,『증일아함경』과 같은 초기경전들에서 발견되는데, 이것이『반주삼매경』에 이르러 더욱 발전된 모습을 보여주고 있다.『반주삼매경』에서 설명하는 반주삼매에서는, 출가주의에 대한 강조와 관상의 대상으로 명시되는 아미타불에 관한 모호한 표현, 그리고 대승화된 공사상이 나타난다. 이와 같은 근거들을 통해『반주삼매경』의 찬술이 기존 불교전통의 연장선상에서 이루어졌을 것으로 추정할 수 있다. 특히, 반주삼매의 과정에서 수행자는 현전한 가상의 붓다를 친견하고, 그것에 대한 실체화를 하는데, 이 과정이 새로운 경전의 생산을 가능케 하는 전제가 되었다고 보았다. 이와 같이 등장한 새로운 경전이 법사를 중심으로 진행된 ‘경전 확산 운동(textual movement)’으로 발전하여 훗날 대승불교의 기원으로 이어졌다고 추론해 보았다.
Clarification about the origin of Mahāyāna is one of the most controversial issues in current Buddhist academia. A number of Buddhist scholars have studied this issue, however, they still can not perfectly explain it even today. Contemporary Buddhist scholars would admit that the early Mahāyāna is not any of the following: an independent sect, an ordination lineage (nikāya), a monolith, a concession to laity needs, nor does it have an inherent connection between Mahāyāna and the stūpa cults. In this paper, I attempted to demonstrate the relationship between Pratyutpannasamādhi(般舟三昧) and the origin of Mahāyāna based on the Pratyutpannasamādhi sūtra, which was translated into classical Chinese by Lokakṣema as early as 179 A.D. Pratyutpannasamādhi is a type of buddhānusmṛti, which is a practice of meditation emphasizing visionary experience and has appeared throughout some of the Śrāvakayāna literature, such as the Sutta Nipāta, the Aṇguttara Nikāya, and the Zēngyī Ahánjīng (增壹阿含經). In this original visualization meditation practice Pratyutpannasamādhi incorporates several characteristics of the early Mahāyāna including an emphasis on the tradition of asceticism, which was required by the monks in the Śrāvakayāna tradition. The Śrāvakayāna tradition incorporates both the ambiguous expressions of Amitābha, who is a typical Buddha of Mahāyāna, and the concept of Mahāyānized Emptiness. These characteristics show that early Mahāyāna was at its root an extension of the Śrāvakayāna tradition. According to the teachings of the Pratyutpannasamādhi Sūtra, one who practices pratyutpannasamādhi can have a direct encounter with an imaginary Buddha in a meditative state and he/she can substantialize the experience. This process of meditation opens the way to re-turn the Dharma wheel, which was put to a halt after Śākyamuni Buddha’s parinirvāṇa. This new Dharma had exerted an influence on the formation of Mahāyāna by “textual movement” centered on the composition, use, and circulation of the new dharma sūtras, and that of the Dharmabhāṇaka, or “Dharma preachers,” which were its principle agents. This article hypotheses how the Mahāyāna Sūtras were compiled and how established the Mahāyāna are in today’s society.
I 서론. 435 II 반주삼매의 원류. 440 III 반주삼매의 특징. 445 IV 반주삼매와 대승불교. 453 V 결론. 462