西南絲路樂舞中的“印度化”底痕與傳播軌跡——兼論云南與周邊南傳佛教音樂文化圈的傳播歷史與文化脈絡=The Trace and Dissemination Trajectory of "Indianization" in the Dance and Music along the South - west Silk Road: On the History of the Dissemination and Cultural Thread of the Southern Buddhist Musical Cultural Circle in Yunnan and its Neighbors
西南絲綢之路樂舞=dance and music of the South-west Silk Road; 印度化=Indianization; 雲南與周邊南傳佛教音樂文化圈=South Buddhist musical cultural circle in Yunnan and the neighboring countires; 印度教文化=Indian culture; 佛教文化=Buddhist culture
Seeing from Yunnan towards the south - east of Asia,there are two different geographical and cul?tural circles in the neighboring countries of China. The inner circle,which locates in Indo - China Peninsula and the land route,is populated with the Dai in Yunnan,China,Khmer - speaking peoples and the neigh?boring Thailand,Myanmar,Laos and Cambodia with their common belief in Southern theravada Buddhism. This is a Southern Buddhist cultural circle. The outer circle covers countless islands,the Malay peninsula and the Philippines where the Muslim and Christian ( including Catholic) live. An obvious cultural common?ality is that the majority of these countries have experienced the “Indianization”period in which the Bud?dhist - Indian Culture was influencing. Consequently,the “big tradition and small tradition”exists in the ethnic culture in this area and its influence is still clear nowadays. Among the influences,the tract of Indian culture is clear and the impact is significant. In addition,the implications of Indian culture can be seen in the dance and drama in south - east Asian countries. Considering the diverse surface culture in the South - east Asian society,the above mentioned deep cultural elements may be seen as an entrance or platform for an understanding and exploration of the deep cultural commonality and dissemination method.