Book Review: A Catalogue of the United States Library of Congress Collection of Tibetan Literature in Microfiche by Tshulkrim Kelsang, Shunzo Onoda
Bhikkhu Pāsādika (評論)
The Tibet Journal
卷期 v.9 n.2 Summer
出版日期 1984
頁次 38 - 40
出版者 Library of Tibetan Works and Archives
出版地 Dharamsala, India [達蘭薩拉, 印度]
資料類型 期刊論文=Journal Article; 書評=Book Review
使用語言 英文=English
附註項 A Catalogue of the United States Library of Congress Collection of Tibetan Literature in Microfiche (Bibliographia Philologica Buddhica, Series Maior III). Musashi Tachikawa - in collaboration with Tshulkrim Kelsang and Shunzo Onoda. The International Institute for Budhist Studies, Tokyo 1983.353 pp.
ISSN 09705368 (P)
原書資訊 A Catalogue of the United States Library of Congress Collection of Tibetan Literature in Microfische, Part I . Tachikawa, Musashi (著) ; Onoda, Shunzō (著) . 東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan]: 國際佛教學大學院大學附置國際佛教學研究所=The International Institute for Buddhist Studies (IIBS), International College for Advanced Buddhist Studies (ICABS), 1983. 367. 4906267149; 9784906267149.A Catalogue of the United States Library of Congress Collection of Tibetan Literature in Microfiche, Part 2 . Tachikawa, Musashi (著) . 東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan]: 國際佛教學大學院大學附置國際佛教學研究所=International Institute for Buddhist Studies (IIBS), 1983. 353. 4906267149; 9784906267149.
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