宋代士大夫=scholar-officials in the Song Dynasty; 宗教信仰=religious belief; 儒道佛三教融合=Taoism and Buddhism, unity of Confucianism; 彌漫性宗教=diffuse religion; 制度性宗教=institutional religion
There are three types of religious believers among the scholar officials in the Song Dynasty:civilian, gentry and bureaucrat. The religious belief of ancient Chinese scholar officials is the unity of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, which presents obvious stages in a person’s life. It is a typical “diffuse religion” rather than “institutional religion.” It pays attention to the inner experience rather than the external religious form. It is highly inclusive rather than exclusive. Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are by no means three different religions, but different stages and aspects of the same faith.