義天=U-i Chon; 佛教交流=exchange of Buddhism; 圓融諸宗=combination of various religions; 《新編諸宗教藏總錄》=General Catalog ue o f Collections o f Buddhism Texts; 貢獻=contribution
Master U-i Chon was the fourth son of Munjong, one of the rulers of Goryeo Dynasty of Korea. He called on eminent monks and studied various branches of Buddhism when he went on a fourteen-month visit to China during Song Dynasty. The followings are his contributions to the exchange of Buddhism studies between Gorgeo and Song:1. brought back about 3,000 Texts of Buddha-avatamsaka Sutra to Goryeo and publicized them more than ten times;2. taught in Hong Jang Forum and later established Hetong Branch;3. edited General Catalog ue of Collections of Buddhism Texts, which became the standard for the later copies;4. combined the essence of different religions and promoted the further development of Buddhsim both in Korea and China;5. proposed a view of the unity between involving in worldly affairs and standing aloof from them, which had positive influences on modern religions.