
依佛法正念覺知觀察感受的無我本質 -以個人修行體驗為例
作者 董芸靈 (著)
出版者網址 https://religious.fgu.edu.tw/
出版地宜蘭縣, 臺灣 [I-lan hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授盧俊吉= Lu, Chun-chi
關鍵詞四念處=Four Foundations of Mindfulness; 五蘊=Five Aggregates、Eight Fold Path; 八正道; 正念=Right Mindfulness; 無我=No-self
摘要 筆者年幼開始思考我是誰?我從哪兒來?死了又去哪兒?探索生命的真相和生命存在的意義是什麼?常常盤踞在幼小的心靈,揮之不去!以何種正確方法能解開此困惑謎題與完全解除身心的苦痛,即成為本論文研究的背景、動機與目的。因緣際會如獲至寶地發現和深入研究南傳上座部三藏經典《相應部》與北傳漢譯《阿含部》,主要以《大念處經》與諸經論部文獻來說明修學四聖諦、八正道(正念)能幫助任何追求(我)的生命真相、生命存在意義與走在聖道上修行聖弟子們,今生今世有機會斷除貪愛的憂惱與未來無盡苦流轉(不再輪迴)!
When I was young, I began to think about who am I? Where do I come from? Where will you go if you die? Explore the truth of life and what is the meaning of life? It often lingers in the young mind and can't get rid of it!The correct method to solve this puzzle and completely relieve the physical and mental pain has become the background, motivation and purpose of this thesis. By chance, I will discover and deeply study the Theravada Tripitaka Sutra "The Correspondence Sambaya" and the Northern Transmission's Chinese translation "Agama". I will mainly use the "Great Mindfulness Sutra" and various sutras and commentaries to explain the study of the Four Saints. The truth and the Eightfold Path (Right mindfulness) can help anyone who pursues the truth of life, the meaning of life, and the holy disciples who practice on the holy path. In this life, there is an opportunity to cut off the worries of greed and the endless flow of suffering in the future (no more reincarnation)!
The purpose of this study is to explore the origin of Right mindfulness more than 2,500 years ago, when Buddha Sakyamuni realized the essence of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, which is the essence of all Buddhist teachings. By following the Right mindfulness method in the Eightfold Path to stabilize awareness and observation, we will truly understand the importance, benefits and purpose of Right mindfulness meditation, and further fully understand the nature of selflessness and directly lead to liberation from all kinds of troubles and pain in life.
The practice of Right mindfulness in Buddhism mainly exists in the teachings of the Eightfold Path and the Four Mindfulness-Abiding (or Four Foundations of Mindfulness). It is the most important core of Buddhist teachings and liberation methods. It has been deeply popularized in various regions of Theravada Buddhism and Eastern and Western cultures for many years. Right mindfulness meditation methods in life. The word Right mindfulness often appears in many scriptures and classics, explaining that a correct understanding of the Eightfold Path and the four mindfulness meditation methods will help to realize the true nature of one's own life. We practice Right mindfulness and awareness to observe the birth and death of any feelings that occur in each moment. This can effectively remove the blind collision reactions caused by accumulated habits over time, and can make appropriate positive behaviors in every situation and help us to understand our own situation. There are three kinds of feelings: happiness, pain, neither pain nor pleasure, and the habitual creation of craving and hatred is quickly cut off at the moment.
The author takes the long-term practice experience of practicing Right mindfulness, awareness, and feelings according to the Buddhist teachings to realize the essence of selflessness as an example. It can indeed cut off the attachment to the feeling of self. When Right mindfulness penetrates the body and mind and all phenomena in the world are subject to arising and perishing, and sees the wisdom of impermanence and selflessness, that is, I can be satisfied and completely solve the myster
目次謝辭 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景、動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法、範圍與架構 5
第三節 文獻回顧 7
第二章 佛法的正念 11
第一節 佛法正念的起源 11
第二節 正念的定義 20
第三節 佛法正念的練習方法 27
第四節 正念的目地和利益 34
第三章 依佛法正念覺知觀察感受 37
第一節 正念覺知觀察感受 37
第二節 正念覺知觀察感受的由來 42
第三節 感受的類別 51
第四節 如何練習正念覺知觀察感受 59
第四章 依佛法正念覺知觀察感受的無我本質 65
第一節 正念覺知觀察感受的重要性 65
第二節 正念覺知觀察感受的無我本質 70
第三節 以個人修行體驗為例 78
第五章 結論 89
參考書目 95
一、佛教原典 95
二、現代專書(依姓氏筆畫為序) 96
三、期刊論文(依年份排序) 97
四、學位論文(依發表時間先後排序) 98
五、工具書 98
六、網路資料 98

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