Author Affiliation: Northwestern University, IL, USA
1. Khandro Rinpoche and the Vairotsana Cave 80 2. Childhood, family life, and religious practice during Tibet’s Cultural Revolution 84 3. Marriage and family life 86 4. Crisis and religious transformation: meeting Khenpo Muensel 89 5. Tension between religious and householder life 91 6. The Sera Monastery years 93 7. Life as the ḍākinī of Vairotsana Cave 97 8. Khandro’s activities at the Vairotsana Cave 102 Curing the sick 102 Acting as a support for treasure revelation 103 Teaching the dharma 104 Conclusion: Relational autonomy beyond binary oppositions 106 Bibliography 110 Works in Tibetan Language 110 Works in Other Languages 110