This paper examines the reception, development, and classification of the Abhisamayālaṃkāra and its related commentaries in Tibet from the ninth to fourteenth centuries as a case study in how sections of the Tibetan Tengyur collections were formed and formulated. The first section of the paper analyzes the classification of Abhisamayālaṃkāra commentaries in early Tibetan registers such as the Lhenkarma and Pang Tangma. Next, two influential Tibetan scholar-librarians, Chomden Rikpé Reldri (1227-1305) and Butön Rinchen Drup (1290-1364), are compared with regard to their organization and classification of treatises such as the Abhisamayālaṃkāra. The third section provides a narrative account of how Abhisamayālaṃkāra literature developed in Tibet based on the analysis of colophons and historical anecdotes. The paper concludes with a summary of the cultural forces that influenced the development and classification of Abhisamayālaṃkāra literature in Tibet.
Introduction Early Catalog Lists Chomden Rikpé Reldri’s Expanded List of Teachings Butön’s Catalog of the Tengyur The Reception of Indian Abhisamayālaṃkāra Commentaries into Tibet Appendix Glossary Bibliography Notes