1. Jonathan A. Silk Leiden University, Netherlands.
2. Gadjin M. Nagao Kyoto University, Japan.
The *Kāśyapaparivarta, an early Mahāyāna sūtra, has a complex history. Sanskrit and Tibetan versions, and some of its Chinese translations, have been available to scholars for almost a century, thanks to Staël-Holstein’s 1926 editio princeps. Yet no comprehensive survey of available sources, or critical appraisal of their antecedants, has been published, and most importantly, essential Chinese materials have long been overlooked. The present contribution focuses most centrally on the Chinese translations of the scripture. In addition, the relation of the sūtra to the Mahāratnakūṭa collection of forty-nine texts and the possible Indic origins of the latter are explored.
I. THE VERSIONS OF THE KP 673 The Han Translation 674 The Jin Translation 676 The Qin Translation 676 The Song Translation 678 The Sanskrit Title 678 II. THE JIASHE JINJIE JING 迦葉禁戒經 680 The Baoji pin in the Dasheng baoyun jing, a Version of the Ratnamegha-sūtra 683 III. THE DATES OF THE SEVERAL VERSIONS OF THE KP 685 IV. THE FORMATION OF THE MRK 688 references 694