Book Review: Archaeological and Visual Sources of Meditation in the Ancient Monasteries of Kuča by Angela F. Howard and Giuseppe Vignato
Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman (評論)
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society
卷期 v.28 n.4
出版日期 2018.10
頁次 767 - 769
出版者 Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland
出版地 London, UK [倫敦, 英國]
資料類型 期刊論文=Journal Article; 書評=Book Review
使用語言 英文=English
附註項 1. Archaeological and Visual Sources of Meditation in the Ancient Monasteries of Kuča. By Angela F. Howard and Giuseppe Vignato. pp. 214. Leiden, Brill, 2012. 2. Reviewer Affiliation: University of Pennsylvania, USA.
ISSN 13561863 (P); 14740591 (E)
DOI 10.1017/S1356186316000110
原書資訊 Archaeological and Visual Sources of Meditation in the Ancient Monasteries of Kuča . Howard, Angela Falco (著) ; Vignato, Giuseppe (著) . Leiden, the Netherlands [萊登, 荷蘭]: Brill, 2014.11.14. 9789004278578. (hc).; 9789004279391. (eb). [ 全文 ]
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