Book Review: Soaring and Settling: Buddhist Perspectives on Contemporary Social and Religious Issues, by Rita M. Gross
Powell, James Kenneth II (評論)
International Journal of Hindu Studies
卷期 v.3 n.2
出版日期 1999.08
頁次 209 - 210
出版者 Springer
出版地 Heidelberg, Germany [海德堡, 德國]
資料類型 期刊論文=Journal Article; 書評=Book Review
使用語言 英文=English
附註項 1. Rita M. Gross, Soaring and settling: Buddhist perspectives on contemporary social and religious issues. New York: Continuum, 1998. xiii + 238 pages. 2. Reviewer Affiliation: University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
ISSN 10224556 (P); 15749282 (E)
原書資訊 Soaring and Settling: Buddhist Perspectives on Contemporary Social and Religious Issues . Gross, Rita M. . New York, NY, US [紐約, 紐約州, 美國]: Continuum, 1998. 238. 0826411134; 9780826411136.
點閱次數 90
建檔日期 2024.05.15
更新日期 2024.05.15
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