Anthropocentrism and Nonanthropocentrism are two concept dealing with relationship of man and nature. Generally speaking, Christianity prefer to anthropocentrism witch regard the relationship of man and nature as subject and object, that means man is the manager and master of nature and nature must subject to man; while, Buddhism prefer to nonanthropocentrism witch regard man and nature as coexistence and an equal totality and mankind is not the manager and master of nature. Buddhist nonanthropocentrism include following viewpoints: conditioned genesis, emptiness, all creature be equal, Yizhengbuer (Regarded man and environment as a whole), the Buddha-nature and sadness mentally two-way. After the rising of modern environmental movement, most people in academic circle agree that anthropocentrism is harmful to and the nonanthropocentrism is good for environmental movement, but in fact, anthropocentrism rooted deeply in the history of human's thought and has more powerful influence in modern society today. Of the reason that anthropocentrism being more powerful influence include: been more in line with the intuitive feeling; been enforced by the raped development of human's intelligence; satisfy the habit of immediate interests first. Theoretical perspectively, the Christain anthropocentrism is easier to understand and be accepted to carry out than nonanthropocentrism of Buddhism which needs more theoretical deduction and is not easy to be accepted to carry out. All these means that Buddhism with complicated names and appearances and profound theory must be simplified and keep pace with the times in the process of preaching in nowadays society, otherwise Buddhism can't help the people under the high pressure and fast pace in the modern society to relieve and eliminate the suffer and annoyance in their life.