2. The Subtitle of the Journal: Religious Art of Medieval China.
3. Author Affiliation: Peking University, China.
Kucha rock monastery; archaeology; historical photographs; restoration techniques
Historical photographs of Kucha, mostly those taken by the Turfan German Expedition (1902–1914), can be used to recover information concerning the caves lost over the last century and features that cannot be seen any longer. The analysis of photographic material can help to individuate patterns and trigger thoughts leading to a better understanding of the sites, appreciate lost features, reveal the likely location of caves presently covered by debris, understand how caves were restored in antiquity, and suggest better ways to preserve and use rock monastery sites. Though this article focuses on Kucha, the proposed method can be used at other archaeological sites.
Abstract 1 Keywords 1 1. Introduction 1 2. Features Detected in Historical Photographs 2 3. Features below the Present Surface in Kizil 13 4. Rescue of Information about Damaged Caves and Paintings 18 5. Lessons Learned from the Past 21 6. Final Remarks 23 Funding 25 Institutional Review Board Statement 25 Informed Consent Statement 25 Data Availability Statement 25 Conflicts of Interest 25 Notes 25 References 27