《三自性論》是世親菩薩晚期的著作,亦是將三自性的觀念最 清晰地演述的一本論著。除梵文原本外,目前最少有藏文、中文、 日文和英文幾種譯本。然而,各譯本仍是不易理解,而內容亦頗有 分歧。故筆者不昧淺陋,嘗試以淺白的文字重譯本論。本譯文依據 Stefan Anacker, Seven Works of Vasubandhu, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Ltd., 1994, pp.464-466所附的梵文版本進行翻 譯。該版本為法國人蒲桑(Louis de la Vallée Poussin)在Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhiques, 2, 1932-1933, pp.147-161發表的校訂本。除 翻譯為中文本外,筆者亦對應著每首梵文偈頌,造成中文偈頌,以 方便讀者記誦。
Trisvabhāvanirdeśaḥ is a work of Vasubandhu in his late stage. The work is also regarded as the best work interpreting the concepts of the Three Natures. Apart from the original Sanskrit version, the work has been translated into at least four languages including Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese and English. However, the translations are not easy to read and the meanings are diversified in certain parts. So the writer tried to re-translate the work from Sanskrit into more readable Chinese words.
This translation is based on the Sanskrit version appended to Stefan Anacker, Seven Works of Vasubandhu, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Ltd., 1994, pp.464-466, which was edited by Louis de la Vallée Poussin and was published at the Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhiques, 2, 1932-1933, pp.147-161. In addition to the Chinese translation, the writer also makes Chinese stanzas to facilitate the readers to memorize the work.