
書法與佛法-以佛法道次第解釋書法經驗歷程=Calligraphy and Dharma--Explaining the Experience of Calligraphy with the Buddhist Phenomenology
作者 吳長鴻 (著)=Wu, Chang-hung (au.)
出版者網址 https://rel3.nhu.edu.tw/
出版地嘉義縣, 臺灣 [Chia-i hsien, Taiwan]
資料類型博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
指導教授呂凱文=Lu, Kai-wen
關鍵詞佛法解釋書法=Dharma Interpretation Calligraphy; 永字八法基本功=Yongzi Eight Dharma Basic Skills; 佛法道次第=Stages of the Path to Buddhism; 佛法與書法=Dharma and Calligraphy
摘要 本論文主要探討書法在佛法修行次第上的定位。第一章緒論提出筆者以書法與佛法為題的動機,書法與佛法屬於自主性高的學習,積極主動探索帶來高效能的學習及更深的理解,便獲得喜悅之心,從認知心理學而言,有興趣時,更容易集中注意力,「喜心」和「專注」便是研究的兩大面向。問題意識、範圍目的方法及名詞釋義、再看歷年來已研究的成果。第二章第一節探討修行的主體及修行的展開;第二節探討釋迦摩尼佛的法門,即佛法修行的道次第,從根本認知的源頭尋找從書法契入佛法修行的關鍵點;第三節探討古代、當代書法運用於佛法修行的例子,以及佛法人間化的推廣和正念運用於百業更利於佛法普傳。第三章「喜與悲」,「喜心」是觸轉識一大關鍵點,是求知的動力,喜與悲是一體兩面,佛法有四無量心平衡與圓滿,書法從基本功的入門就是一連串悲喜交織的歷程,也有對歷盡喜與悲大師的故事,佛教的帶入生命的觀察與修行,從抄經寫偈到用生命以書法傳佛法智永和尚、弘一法師、星雲大師,可以成為眾生修行的典範。第四章「專注與戒」,從學習環境到書法基本功的規矩、摹臨寫的觀察與實寫,旁及文學造詣和內心涵養都有關係,用現象學研究法將基本功的寫法做描述,四念住的身受心法的觀呼吸、身體掃描,並在「相」形成「想像」的原理中,分別在佛法及書法中的運用及發揮,以八正道及三十七菩提道品的架構探討書法學寫過程,如杜忠誥談「書法e化」、林俊臣談「文化書法」,都是關於「觸」的體察,其他如書法以簡單線條的重複練習,簡單墨色無限想像,都是靜心與淨化心念的重要步驟,這些都是收心的功夫,而書法佛法不論從外在或內在都需要專注與戒規來修行,用佛法檢視書法的學習過程,再以佛法角度解釋之。
This dissertation focuses on the position of calligraphy in the stages of Buddhist practice. The introduction of the first chapter proposes the author's motivation for taking calligraphy and Buddhism as the theme, calligraphy and Buddhism belong to highly autonomous learning, and active exploration leads to effective learning and deeper understanding, which leads to joy, and from the perspective of cognitive psychology, it is easier to concentrate when interested, and "joy" and "concentration" are the two major aspects of research. Problem awareness, scope, purpose, method and definition of terms, and then look at the results of research over the years. The first section of Chapter 2 discusses the subject of practice and the development of practice. The second section explores Shakyamuni Buddha's teachings, that is, the stages of the path to Dharma practice, and looks for the key points from the source of fundamental cognition into Dharma practice from calligraphy. Section 3 examines examples of ancient and contemporary calligraphy applied to the practice of Buddhism, as well as the popularization of the humanization of Buddhism and the application of mindfulness to all kinds of karma, which is more conducive to the spread of Buddhism. The third chapter "Joy and Sorrow", "Joy" is a key point of touch and knowledge, is the driving force for knowledge, joy and sorrow are two sides of the same body, Buddhism has four immeasurable balance and perfection, calligraphy from the beginning of the basic skills is a series of joys and sorrows intertwined with the process, there are also stories of the master of joy and sorrow, Buddhism brings the observation and practice of life, from copying scriptures and writing verses to using life to spread Buddhism with calligraphy Monk Zhiyong, Master Hongyi, Master Xingyun, can become a model for the practice of all beings.
The fourth chapter, "Concentration and Precept", describes the writing of basic skills with phenomenological research methods, the observation and practice of copying and writing, and the relationship between literary attainments and inner cultivation. It is all about the observation of "touch", and other exercises such as calligraphy with simple lines and infinite imagination of simple ink colors are all important steps to meditate and purify the mind, and calligraphy Buddhism requires concentration and discipline to practice both externally and internally, and to examine the learning process of calligraphy with Buddhism, and then explain it from the perspective of Buddhism.
  Chapter 5 concludes that Buddhism understands the truth as one's own nature, calligraphy is simple and returns to the truth, and the ultimate goal of practice is to remove the cloak of image and dedicate the natural nature of the light, which is shown in the unconscious "thought", so that the original Dharma of attack
目次謝誌 I
中文摘要 II
目錄 VII
圖表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的 1
一、學術動機: 1
二、一般動機: 2
三、研究目的 3
第二節 研究範圍方法及名詞釋義 3
一、研究範圍 3
二、研究方法 4
三、名詞釋義 5
第三節 歷來研究成果回顧 9
一、佛法論文 9
二、書法論文 14
第四節 論文結構 26
第二章 佛法修行之道次第 28
第一節 探討修行的主體及修行的展開 28
一、修行的主體 28
二、修行將如何展開 33
第二節 佛法修行的道次第 40
一、五蘊到五取蘊 40
二、修行道次第: 48
第三節 古代及當代佛法運用於修行養生 60
一、唐代以書法抄經作為修行的法門 60
二、歷代書法家和高僧大德、學者 61
第三章 喜與悲 68
第一節 佛陀對喜與悲的觀察歷程 68
一、光明想:遍滿喜 70
二、「喜」的感受 72
第二節 佛法文獻中對喜與悲記載及生活經驗具體指涉 73
一、佛法文獻中對喜與悲的記載: 73
二、環境之喜:喜與悲 75
三、阿難尊者之「欲」 78
四、當代學者對喜與悲的看法 79
第三節 書法的喜與悲在佛法道次第架構上呈現 79
一、書法喜與悲在佛法上呈現 80
二、弘一法師的「悲欣交集」 81
三、顏真卿《祭侄文稿》 82
四、星雲大師實踐慈悲喜捨之「喜與悲」 82
五、佛 法與書法在修行上的比較(喜與悲) 84
第四章 專注與戒 87
第一節 佛陀對專注與戒的觀察歷程 88
一、對外要持戒: 88
二、對內要專注: 89
第二節 佛法文獻對專注與戒之記載及生活經驗具體指涉 89
一、持戒: 90
二、專注:「觸」為下手處 92
三、佛法與書法修行上的比較表(專注與戒) 97
第三節 書法的專注與規矩在佛法道次第架構上呈現 98
一、學習書法對外的規矩與佛法上的呈現 98
二、學習書法對內求專注與佛法中的呈現 107
三、書法的專注與規矩在佛法及當代正念學上的呈現 118
四、當代西方正念的運用 121
第五章 結論 122
參 考 文 獻 126
一、著作 126
二、論文 127
三、期刊 128
四、網路資訊 128
五、圖文表 129

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